rg3 is going to get you to love him.
want him.
need him.
does this make you feel a tingling in your loins?
he lost the cave man dust braids to make you happy…
lowkey: someone tell him braids and cornrows are out.
taking you real deep
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Copyright © 2025 inside jamari fox
I like the cornrows on him.Why are we the only group of people’s who hairstyles go out of style and then we enforce it afterward.Like with black people’s natural hair. the Afro/puffy/coiled/curls.At my old job, I had a fro and this woman says “I couldn’t see behind Chase’s 70’s hair do.”White people have been enforcing the opinion that an Afro is old and out-dated and black people join in with them.I can’t help the way the hair grows out of my head.I will not burn my scalp to make it straight like theirs either because that’s doing too much.The Afro doesn’t seem 70’s to me because I wasn’t born/alive in the 70’s to see many people rocking it.It’s just my hair.We run out of hair styles because people are always so quick to down whatever it is we rock.There are only so many ways black people can do our hair and braids is one of them.My hair is cut now.I decided to cut it because I was getting so much criticism from family members.Didn’t mean to turn this into a hair rant but black people are the only ones that struggle with hair drama because of our history.
He might be ugly, but God and I know ugly men tend to have big ass dicks.
^he had an outline of his dick when he was flirting with that hoe he was messin with and it looked like a big piece.
Put a bag over his head and it will be cool.
He has a fat ass and he still looks terrible.