did this wrestler that’s on TV have a gay porn past?

I couldn’t help but wonder:
Do we ever really escape our past?

we all have one,
lurking in the shadows.
even our favorite celebs have secrets they’d rather say buried.
from sketchy tweets,
DL shenanigans,
fuckin’ the taken and married,
bridges we’ve flambéed to a crisp,
and tales of pure stupidity that we cringe at now,
there are things we all wish could stay buried deep.
despite our best efforts,
our pasts have a way of resurfacing long after we’ve moved on,
especially on social media where nothing stays buried for long.

What if your past was gay porn?

is that the alleged past of that wolf up above?…

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su’a cravens gets wet for bey (and most importantly, for us)

When Bey calls,
we go running.

…especially when it’s sponsorship money.
i’ll be there with bells on.

i’ve been hearing good things about her new luxury hair care line,

for 30 dollars for a shampoo,
it better be.

( x see it here )
was i the only one who didn’t know how to pronounce the name?
i’ve seen many vixens promoting their new luscious locks on the socials,
but an ex-baller wolf was called in to show what it did to his hair too.
su’a cravens,
you’re up…

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the nfl baller wolf with the random pipe leakage on that vintage social media

nfl baller wolf,
juju smith-schuster,
had the Foxhole in a chokehold when he did ^this workout video.

it was during the panny,

even if he had a nice bawdy and a fat tail,
he was just aight for me.
his trainer,
mr. calliet:

was the one i wanted to have,
bible study with.
juju got some alleged pipe leakage on snap over the weekend…

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conor mcgregor is debuting acting and butt cheeks

i don’t follow boxing baller wolf,
conor mcgregor,
all like that.
i just know he is irish,
part of #beardgang,
he lost to floyd,
and ashley cain reminds me of him a little bit.

conor has a new and random movie with jake gyllenhaal called road house.
i think this movie was for conor to debut that tail of his because…

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the baller wolf who will bring you meats and some cakes from his bakery

He looks high af in this picture smh.

darius hodge,
nfl baller wolf for the dolphins,
is like most baller wolves.

They forget they are baller wolves.

so they act like regulars,
sending nudes out to every admirer,
and then pikachu shocked face when they are leaked to the public.
a Foxholer sent in a drop and i gotta font…

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would you let stefon diggs “diggs” you out?

is it me or has nfl baller wolf,
stefon diggs,
gotten finer?

i always thought he was fine but he been drinking some “make a negro finer” water.
not only is he finer,
i’ve always loved his charisma but how comfortable he is in his own skin

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