YOUR 53rd THOUGHT: (53)

i’m a little curious as to this one below…

is this a baller wolf?
he looks like isaiah pead
this picture made me mind go into….
well, i’ll ask you.


22 thoughts on “YOUR 53rd THOUGHT: (53)

  1. I met him before at a friends family gathering…. He is a really nice guy, mad friendly… and fine as hell….

  2. Dont know much about this dude, the first time I ever heard of him, was on this blog. I dont do this too often with dudes, because everybody wants all the cute fine boys on our team, but this dude may actually be on the team, if not; maybe curious about the team. Just from looking at the pics he seems like he has a connection with the light skin dude in his pic, they seem more than homies, it just seem like a intimacy between them. I may be way off base but I did have to do a pause after the instagram pics.

  3. Sorry to bust everyones bubble! But more that likely that is a teammate he is sharing a room with in a hotel on a road trip for a football game! But who knows?

  4. I posted that pic only because of its ” hmm” factor to back to a previous discussion your antenna does go up after looking at some these athletes pics.

      1. If Killa just got finished hitting that ass before that pic I applaud him for that. LMAO…

  5. That is Isaiah Pead. Did some investigating. The mustache, the tats and all match. I don’t think anything is going on here though. It’s not enough going on in the pic to jump to conclusions, but I do think he’s handsome.

    Where’s third at? He seems to know so much. LOL.

    1. Isaiah has a mole under his right eye that isn’t in this picture thou it does look like him. Will show the pic to friend at the game today who knows him !

  6. He does look like Pead, dont think its him tho…but my quesion…who is the muscular man in the back?? Looks like they just got finished having a smash session¡

  7. I saw that on hoodsworld too Jamari and I said looks like some done let the cat out the bag lol. 2 things poped in my head either he Rollin a blunt or they just got through fuckin

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