are ya’ll gonna let up dragging madonna to the white meat?
her tribute to prince last night at the billboard music awards was,
a mess.
i don’t think anyone appreciated what she did tho.
i’m sure prince did a couple turns in his urn.
i honestly expected her to be doing splits and shrieking to hades.
my expectations were already low as is.
why is this snow attentionista honoring a black artist?
one i don’t think allegedly liked her very much.
well madonna had something to say on ig and well…

i guess she tole ya’ll.
madonna has always been a brave one throughout all her draggings.
i gotta give her props.
the old gal has thick skin.
lowkey: bet decided to shade back…
#BETAwards #PrinceTribute
— BET (@BET) May 23, 2016
i hope they come with it.
as long as they don’t have this happen again:
…and i like trey.
madonna “prince tribute” video: gossip cop
I don’t doubt Madonna has respect for Prince, Whitney, or Michael. She’s just not someone I would name to pay tribute to any of them. From the video it didn’t seem like people got into it until Stevie came out
Oh well
P.S. BET while ya are throwing shade you better be able to get it right. I don’t want to see Chris brown, Trey Songz, Weekend, or Alicia on that stage singing for him.
ESPECIALLY not Christ Brown.
According to Rolling Stone Prince and Madonna were friends in the eighties but had a twenty year feud which ended in 2011.Yes they were friends again before he died but let’s not act like they were BFFs since 1984 since they barely spoke between 1991-2011.Madonna should have introduced the tribute.Prince is too talented for one artist to pay tribute to him.He is singer,dancer,drummer,guitarist,etc..Madonna is not on his level so it was going to be a fail even if she didn’t sing off key.
Actually Madonna and Prince were friends. He wrote and produced a track on her 1989 Like A Prayer album called Love Song. (Aside: I was actually born that year so I’m merely referencing the Wiki info for context.) That said, but I’m also a huge fan of time periods, pop music eras, Billboard charts etc
I don’t doubt that Madonna respects Prince. Like so many of us, Madonna was a fan of Prince; she said “When Doves Cry” changed her life back in the 80s. As his dispute with Warner Bros (to whom both artists were signed) deepened, Prince reached out to Madonna for help: Of course, being Prince, he phrased his request as a letter to Madonna about a dream he had, posted on his website. Madonna herself tried to enlist Prince in a joint tour back in the late 90 but he likely declined due to lack of control. I don’t doubt that her heart was in it. I just want perfection for his tribute. I want Prince-level excellence.
Madonna did not deliver Prince-type excellence on any level.
I like Madonna and have always been a fan of her’s, but in my opinion she was not the right person to lead the tribute of Prince. I think if she was with many other artists who loved Prince just as much as she do, then maybe the tribute wouldn’t have been so average. She was asked to do the tribute and she said yes. Some people liked it and some people didn’t. It is what it is…Madonna will become even more famous for doing this for Prince. They had a friendship that we as the public will never know how real it may have been.
According to The show’s producers said Madonna’s people contacted them about doing the tribute to Prince.And I will bet my last dollar she wanted to be the only artist doing the tribute because Stevie coming out to join her looked like it was thrown together at the last minute.It’s been 24 hrs and I am still pissed about that pathetic tribute.
Hopefully the BET tribute will include Prince friends like Sheila E,Larry Graham,Chaka,also maybe Lenny Kravitz,Bruno Mars and D’Angelo,Miguel,Eric Benet or Maxwell
that wasn’t the correct BET PRINCE TRIBUTE it was JANELLE, ALICIA , PATTI & ESPERANZA artists he picked.
Those artists would have done an amazing job!
The purple rain part wasn’t bad until he got to squealing. He shouldn’t have mixed the 2 songs. I can’t think if anyone who could do a,decent tribute