why do ya’ll think julian taylor morris killed deundray cottrell?

ever have trouble keeping up with a story because it’s just too bizarre?
it’s like jon benet ramsey or the oj murders.
there is always a new twist and turn that makes it even more outrageous,
all the while in creating doubt along the way.
this one has the gay forests in a chokehold.
it’s a murder mystery that’s juicier than what you had for sunday brunch.

in a nutshell,
that trio called skiiboyz is now down to two.

the one with the dreads (deundray cottrell)?
he’s no longer with us.
the redbone (julian taylor morris)?
allegedly the prime suspect in why dreads is gone.
the whispers are everywhere:

Did he really murder Deundray?

here’s is what i got so far…

Deundray was found dead down the street from his family’s home on 4th of July in Alabama
Julian went ghost right after Deundray was discovered
Julian supposedly has an alibi via cameras
The entire gay and surrounding communities are convinced Julian is guilty and wants him locked up

a F-BI sent me a pic that julian was recently spotted in ATL:

i forgot to add that on allegedly those 3 were poly.
deundray was into julian more (or vice versa).

i mean,
enough for them to travel as a double and not a trio.

Jamari Fox,
who is me,
is absolutely baffled.

i mean,
if there’s no evidence placing julian near deundray on the day of the murder…

Why is everyone so pressed to paint Julian as the villain?

julian has been acting sus,
but still.
maybe he never liked deundray and didn’t care he died.
i don’t know but you can bet the F-BI are on the case.

Stay tuned.

lowkey: i love how we can try to solve murder mysteries…
but can’t solve when we are being cheated on.

2 thoughts on “why do ya’ll think julian taylor morris killed deundray cottrell?

  1. I’m baffled that you’re so baffled. First off, condolences to the family of Deundray, I in no way want to make light of his death, but I think we also shouldn’t shy away from honest conversations.

    We need full transparency, I need to know what the cause of death was. Was he shot, strangled, stabbed, ran over by a car, or was it drugs? If it’s just a drug situation I think that complicates things.

    If the family knows how he died then they just need to come clean and put all of the cards on the table, right now I am siding with the lawyer for Julian until more information becomes available.

    Also as a side note, we need to stop trying to normalize everything. Why are people trying to be in a three-way relationship? Whatever happened to monogamy, whatever happened to “ Just Say No” to drugs, etc. 

  2. I’m baffled that you’re so baffled. First off, condolences to the family of Deundray, I in no way want to make light of his death, but I think we also shouldn’t shy away from honest conversations.

    We need full transparency, I need to know what the cause of death was. Was he shot, strangled, stabbed, ran over by a car, or was it drugs? If it’s just a drug situation I think that complicates things.

    If the family knows how he died then they just need to come clean and put all of the cards on the table, right now I am siding with the lawyer for Julian until more information becomes available.

    Also as a side note, we need to stop trying to normalize everything. Why are people trying to be in a three-way relationship? Whatever happened to monogamy, whatever happened to “ Just Say No” to drugs, etc. 

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