I knew an older gay male like this.
at his big age,
he is still struggling with his sexuality but he is a sucker for younger and attractive males. i blame his church upbringing for hiding his true desires.
either way,
he gives these younger males money or a place to stay.
He only likes you if you are in need and he can be in control.
He doesn’t attract males who have their shit together and don’t need him.
many of these males have been to jail but using him for his kindness.
he let one stay the night at his spot only to be awakened by the jackal fuckin’ some hoe in his crib.
…but gonna highlight how he saw his dick and it was big.

he was all upset about it but i couldn’t help but judge.
now i don’t know if tyrone swinton (above) was gay but his story reminded me of the person i know.
tyrone lost his life trying to help someone who is troubled…
Harlem chef Tyrone Swinton opened his home to a young man who was down on his luck.
His family says his kindness got him killed.
Cops who found Swinton, 60, unconscious and suffering from multiple gunshot wounds on Feb. 29 said he was shot by his young friend, with whom he had fallen out.
Days after the slaying, police arrested Joseph Fulford, 25, and charged him with murder and criminal possession of a weapon.
A relative said Swinton had taken the needy man in several years ago, only to kick him out over concerns about his associates.
But Fulford resurfaced in recent months, the relative added, and after an argument in the home they briefly shared, Swinton was gunned down.
“The night before, he came to my brother’s house,” said Yvette Swinton, 58, the victim’s heartbroken sister.
“My brother gave him a coat. He only stayed in my brother’s house for 10 or 15 minutes at the most. He told him he had some girl waiting downstairs. My brother gave him money, and he told him he would be back the next day. And this is what happened. Now my brother’s not here.”
Neighbors in the building on W. 116th St. near Malcolm X Blvd. heard arguing and gunshots at around 9:30 a.m. and called 911, officials said.
Swinton was rushed to Mount Sinai Morningside, where he was pronounced dead.
His sister said he called their mother after Fulford’s visit and told her the man “looked rugged, in a bad way.”
“He said, ‘Mom, you’ll never guess who just came to the house,’” the sibling told the Daily News. “He said, ‘Joseph just came to my house.’ When he opened his door, he sees that Joseph was looking like he was living in the streets. He was looking so dirty.
“He let him in,” she continued. “My brother said, ‘Let me give you a coat. He gave him a coat, and he gave him some money.”
The victim and his mother talked every day, according to Yvette Swinton. In that same conversation, the son told their mother he would come over to their Brooklyn family home to cook some fish.
Then the next day, he was dead.
there is a lot of blaring red flags in this story.

like i fonted up above,
i don’t know if tyrone was gay but in my head:
It’s giving older gay male who was lonely and would be with anyone for companionship.
Even if the “anyone” isn’t a good person.
i need older gays to have better discernment out here.
there are some real hobosexuals who will give up penis and/or tail for “something”.
it happens to lonely and desperate vixens of all ages too.
this doesn’t mean they like you; this means they are hustling.
rip to tyrone.
lowkey: we don’t talk/font about the resentment some pineapples get when you help them enough.
i see it happen with straight relationships all the time.
article cc: ny daily news
I’m not going to assume Mr. Swinton (RIP) was DL or out, since I don’t know, but I will say that he was upholding a longstanding tradition of older LGBTQ people helping out younger gay/bi/trans folks, many of whom don’t have any or few resources and support at all. It isn’t always about a sexual/romantic relationship, though that could have been part of this mix. Also while there has always been violence like this, as Immanuel points out, it seems like things have gone completely off the rails over the last few years, with the extreme lack of boundaries, violence, proliferation of guns, etc. I really feel for Mr. Swinton’s family, especially his elderly mother, and I would say to everyone be careful and safe nowadays because there’s a mental health crisis these days, too many guns, and too many people off the chain, in a bad way, not a good one.
Man it’s sad that older gay men n can’t trust the younger men. It shows the lack of dignity and morals. I pray that this individual is captured and going to prison for this malicious act.
This story reminds of the story of the older lady who was killed by a young guy she was helping.I think she met him through her church’s prison ministry.
It’s so sad.
Now Mr.Swinton’s elderly mother has to bury her son.It sounds like they were a close nit family
Rest in Peace
That story sprang to mind as soon as I read this. Here’s a link to Jamari’s post on that story.
Thanks for this post Jabari. Informative and well written, as usual. This is very important and underscores an element of the DL Life that folks don’t want to talk about. I had a coworker who had an elderly gay father who took in some young trade – just like this. He gave him money but when the older man got tired of supporting him he cut the young man off. Do you know the young dude fought him and killed him in his own kitchen and then tried to claim gay rage as an excuse. However, prosecutors learned he was living in the home awhile, had mail coming there, and was caught on camera using the older victims ATM at various banks before and after he murdered the victims. So that proved they were in a relationship. So fortunately, he was sent to jail. This happened in Washington, DC. In nearby Baltimore, an older, retired military, DL gay man was hooking up with a hustler regularly. When the hustler came by and demanded money they got in a fight. The older man had self-defense experience and put a hurting on the young dude but was ultimately killed. The hustler called his girlfriend (who knew he tricked with men) who drove him to the hospital. When they investigated the injuries they connected him to the murder and thankfully he went to jail. I want your readers to know this doesn’t just happen to older, gay men – younger, professional gay men fall into the same trap (I know of one incident like this in Savannah, GA that happened to the nephew of a friend). So be careful who you have in your surroundings and avoid consorting with people who ask you for money, clothes, transportation, food etc. in exchange for companionship. I’m an older gay man myself but keep myself in shape so I’m not thirsty. I plan to keep it that way. Thirstiness can get you killed.
^thank you for this comment!
i’m hearing so many other stories like this.
this is a very serious conversation and there are many examples of gays who met their fates helping trash.
the words “troubled” or ” criminal record” are huge red flags but there are other aspects that go deeper.
i’m gonna stew and write something more in-depth.
This world is so evil idk why this made me teary-eyed. The gay community removes value from people due to their age, weight or etc which probably made him desperate for affection. He probably met this young man on a hookup site years ago and the guy seen that he was nice and played on those emotions. Many drug addicts and low vibrational spirits are on these apps and I had to pull back myself. Some Men think of gay Men the same way they think of women: that were here to be used as a means to get whatever they desire.