Industry parties bring out the most interesting people and things.
It can be a struggle,
but I see why people fight to be in the “industry”.
It can bring a ton of pleasure getting behind those VIP doors.
It can also be a struggle to get there and an even bigger struggle once you get inside.
You have to make sure that you talk to the right people who drop the right key sentences:
“I work at a record label…”
“Oh, I am a assistant for…”
“The company I work for just signed….”
Networking is a big deal because you never know who can help you get to a higher position.
You can go from lowly intern to administrative assistant in the drop of a business card or an exchanging of a phone number.
But for me who is painfully shy around the right people….
Well I am not that bad.
Once I get over the nervousness, I am a hoot to be around.
I get comfortable and crack jokes.
I have been told that I make people comfortable… once I get comfortable.
Last night, my semi uncomfortable ass attended an exclusive industry party.
This go round was for music.
I have been working hard on getting out of my job to start my career and finally a friend of mine took notice.
I was beginning to think that black folks would NEVER help you out to succeed.
She works very closely for the Wolf the party was for.
When I arrived at the lounge, it was all eyes on me.
Vixens and Wolves.
I felt a little taken aback because I never saw so many people staring at me in one setting.
My outfit was poppin, plus I looked good, so I guess they were also taken aback themselves.
My friend got me at the door and I walked inside and sat at her table.
She introduced me to so many people that night that I’m still trying to remember names.
Even some Wolves that I have covered on my site, I was face to face with them.
Some of those dudes shut me down with how they were dressed.
Some of them shut me up with the pecs and arms skillfully hidden under outfits.
One thing I realized is that even behind those doors, people are nicer but it is still cliquey.
They will invite you into their clique if you have something that can benefit them.
Since my skills are needed, I was warmly received and got a few business cards.
Another thing I noticed was the amount of bi sexual Wolves that were trying to clock me.
Staring at me dead on, looking under Fitteds, and extra friendly and smiley as they hugged/greeted me.
I would turn my head to look and lock dead on with Wolves who were talking to a females,
who would give me that “look” a couple times all while still in conversation.
It was also interesting to see how these Wolves, Hybrids, and Foxes interacted with each other.
One minute, they would be masculine and low key with a certain crowd.
Next, in the right conversation, they would be talking with their hands and letting all the gay juice seep out their pores slightly.
… but there was one Wolf who caught my eye.
We will call him Tattooed Model Wolf.
Toned, tatted, nice waves, super low key swagg, and fuckable to the 9th degree!!!!!!!!!!!
I also caught his eye and we played eye fuck all throughout the night.
He would make an effort to be around where I was.
He also knew the whole room, which was a little intimidating.
I remember walking by him and he was staring at me as I walked by.
He even knew the Vixen that invited me, but she never got a chance to introduce me.
I still made sure to get his info in sniffing out his trail.
It seems one of the D/L Foxes in her clique was trying to get at him too.
I’m sure I will meet him again…
I felt the strong sexual connection with him.
I want some of that… ASAP…
My night got me to thinking about what it takes to fit in behind the ropes.
Do you have to have a resume of hundreds to pull an Industry Wolf or Fox?
Do you need to just look good and “show up”?
And how do you penetrate the cliques so someone can penetrate “you”?
But being these made me want to know everyone and not be such an outsider with the insiders.
I have a lot to learn and I am a pretty fast learner lol.
Maybe this is conversation is only for people in the industry who know how it works,
but I started to wonder…
I’m not so sure it’s hopeless. I think the point of going to these events is to meet men you’d potentially be interested in and from there figuring out where others like them are. The problem so far as been finding out where they are at. They have to exist. But in what locations? From there, once you know where they’re at, you’d have to flirt. From there, take the initiative and approach. Exchange information and so on. This idea that if a guy likes you then he’ll walk over and say something isn’t really true most of the time… especially for us.
^not at all!!
I think the context of the situation matters as well. If he’s staring you down in an industry party then perhaps he isn’t in the mindset of “he’s someone im interested in.” But being in the club or in another public setting and getting stared down is something different. Eye contact is very important when it comes to interest. But i do believe we carry ourselves differently than the breeders and there are ways to tell if someone is homosexual without following them to their bedroom. Gaydar is real although not 100% accurate all the time.
^true but let’s say one (or all) those men got down,
No one would have said anything anyway.
They would have stayed quiet since so many people were around.
They probably took a mental note of who I was and will add me in their “get to know; smash file”….
Or like Killa said,
Who am I and why do I know such and such.
Then perhaps the solution would be to figure out other places where they are as well outside of when they’re in “networking” mode. Clubs, house parties, etc. Places where they’d possible be more comfortable to approach… assuming they approach at all.
So it is another hopeless quest until someone (or both) are in a comfortable setting.
Yeah man I kind of fucking agree with ya, but I still think that if a brother is checking you out across a crowded room at a club, function, out on da fucking steet, or even at da gym more often than not it is not sexual in any way. For example, I travel by myself a lot and whenever I am in a large city like say LA or NYC I always do a treat assessment to see if anyone entering my space is a potential treat to me. It also comes from being a fucking martial artist that I will establish a short non-treatening gaze with a motha fucka to let him know don’t go there. Also at many industry functions or clubs some times mutha fuckers peep me because they want to know if my suit is designer, how much my watch cost etc. I really hate it when gay dudes talk about their fucking gay dar when they are at a gym. They usually say some shit like old Michael Jai White dude ova there is looking at me hard, and I know he is down. I know from personal experience being a body builder is that when a person works out on a regular basis when they see someone with a good physique they are often checking out their biceps, chest, abs, legs, and watching the exercises they do. I think that muther fuckers who are into working out on the reg become in tune to the physique of others in a very non sexual way. Now who want’s to give me sum azz? LOL I kid the forum!!! Well kind off lol.
Well, here’s so hoping that J Cole’s tall, phyne ass is down with the mansex…
Now that moment is up so are you going to give me dat azz now yo lol.
lol SO SAD… lets all have a moment of silence for killas maturity…
Oh speaking of bad aim you didn’t complain when I shot my hot premature load in to dat willing and accepting mouth of yours last night in the last car on the 2 Train Brooklyn. Yo wolf I kid ya bruh I really love ya. I am still going to get dat azz though lol
Yeah bruh you are fucking sensitive and great come back, speaking of getting fucked first you had more nutts deposited in dat lose azz of yours than China has rice!!! Yo Wolf I fuck with ya I like ya. BTW Brooklyn called and they want their cum back!!! Yo Wolf I kidd ya bruh I love ya. OH yeah I heard that azz of yours has been driven through more than the New York Express way!!! Yo I kidd ya. Dawg lol
Oh hold the hell up I was in the shower and I caught your “and like a premature ejaculator,” DigOkay cool see when a brotha tries to be nice??!!! LOL Yeah bruh like by boy CJ Wright I may bust my first nut quickly, but after that I will be filling yo ass up all night with my love juices!!!! LOL. BTW regarding your premature ejaculator retort are you coming for the prospective of a top who nuts before he can unfasten his belt or more from the frustrated bottom perspective that yo ass get’s filled up with a nut for the top who you want to bang yo azz out good and proper? LOL My gut is telling me that it is the latter lol oh come on Wolfe I kid ya son I love ya, but seriously you seem to be a bit sensitive for a top man I hate to see you how would react to losing a game of scrabble!!! Oh dude Wolf I kid ya I love yo ass, yeah I really love yo azz lol
u should be much quicker on processing the reply killa.
I meant ‘Premature Ejaculator” in the sense of any man that busts their nut before things even begin to get good…its the way u communicate…Conversation starts and you begin spewing your waste all over the place and with bad aim might i add…you say im quite calm and chill..its all pretty in all humility your lengthy replies pose no challenge to my intelligence or masculinity. You think that trying to mention plotting on getting my ass that i will be threatned..but its just more random waste spewed all over the place..if u were little sharper you would already know that u were fucked first.
Wolf my motto is time waits for no one waste my time in a progressive linear and tractable stream of thought like this when can just cut to my point at anytime. There is a method to my madness and if you had true wolves eyes then you would see the obvious pattern of my cognitive process. The only rules I play by are my own, besides where is it posted here that I can’t jump forums? See I make my own destiny, and if you keep this up I am going to start targeting that azz of yours for my next conquest lol. Bruh Wolfe I kid ya son, you got fucking heart, but I was serious about scheming on dat azz of yours lol
I meant to say and then thrusting your precum dick in and out of his ass so hard that you misaligne his inner azz mechanisms , and then in one violent explosion you shoot your love juices all ova the inside of the moderators azz walls yo babies that will look like cum painted graffiti.!!! Now I must go and jack off!!!! Lol
Oh hold the fuck up lol!!!! Wolf!!! Hold the hell up didn’t you put me on blast for asking the moderator about his ass hairs? Now you are talking about getting up into his guts good and proper, twisting and turning your phat dick inside the moderators tight lubed up azz shredding his insides, and then thrusting your precum dick in and out of his ass so hard that you misaligne his inner azz mechanisms , and then in one violent explosion you shoot your love juices inside the moderators painting inner azz walls with yo babes………….Hold on I just turned myself on lol. Also moderator you are so freaking wrong to advertize that yo azz is tight??? Man you are wrong I can barely type this post because my dick keep hitting the damn keyboards!!! LOL This is why when I get you I am going to punish dat azz and I am not going to use lube!!!! LOL
well killa..u go from “oh i think the sky is beautiful shade of ur ass taste like?” in the same sentence.. so its comes off crazy random..and like a premature ejaculator….my convo with J..was a natural progression…it started off in the wolfmeat thread and then spilled into here..additionally i was commenting to J in a normal manner for a long time before my talk turned super personal..
its all good i like quality…and i have other things for u to do in the off time
^oh really?
i cant tell u those…when u get to experience those places i dont want u knowing all the spots ahead of time
^i think that would be so sexy.
sneaky sex.
although you would have to get me so open that you slip it in easily.
i am pretty tite…
thats not a problem…i like it like that so the fit is snug like a glove
^well you wouldn’t be able to hit it that often.
i would need to make sure it was so tite for you…
This was always my standpoint. So unless a guy comes out and asks for a date or I see him kissing another guy, etc. only then I confirm him as down. It’s funny tho that most times the guys who I hold eye contact with some weeks, months, even years later I found out they were in fact guy. But I dare not act upon eye contact…its a very sticky situation.
LOL never mind you weren’t talking to me lol
its very possible!
^I think you have brought me to a bathroom or something.
I can risk my reputation with you trying to rape me…
LOL I am not to sure what you mean? lol
lol…not much would happen in the bathroom i dont like those dudes in my business like that…so no worries there…but theres other places i can take u
^oh really?
Yeah why I am pressing the get the “I see gay people,” issue lol is because it can be a destructive and unwise move especially if you are trying to move in those circles. Peeps who give into that mindset in those circles usually end up being ostracized, and regulated to the group with the cast for Noah Arch lol. From my perspective that mentality is also potentially messy and an unnecessary distraction to your networking goal, and from a personal perspective holding a graduate degree in psychology according to all the research done on the matter there is no way to effectively identify someone’s sexual orientation base strictly on observation alone unless you catch them in the act. In ghetto talk “there is no fucking proof that gaydar works lol. I remember when I first started messing around a model brother wanted to show me the ropes of how to get down lol. I had to go to the Gap in the Marina Del Ray to exchanged some jeans and he went along with me. We were in the store for approximately 10 minutes, and when we left the store this mutha fucka told me that he had clocked about four brothers in da store. This sum bitch even put them in categories he clocked two as being down, one as being bi and one as being bi curious lol. I was like you got all that information on those brothers in 10 minutes lol?
In my experience many newbies to the industry circles often mistake the behaviors of others such as eye contact, the duration of the eye contact, body movement as someone being interested in them sexually or that they are down. Again most of that eye contact is based upon peeps looking at you as competition or as someone who may be able to open doors for them.
^very wise.
thank you for this.
I took this was constructive criticism.
I am always open for a good “SLAP” to wake me up on what the goal is…
…and not the short term goals.
I would never go up to a dude and potentially hit on him so I’m glad I have the “you want me; you better cum get it” mentality.
I am scared of rejection and what follows.
I never really liked “gaydar” to be honest.
Some men can be feminine and straight.
Some men can be masculine and gay.
When I heard women talking about they can spot a d/l man because they have good gaydar,
I was like “yeah okay”.
I’ll write something about that later on…
so let me ask you this,
or you can send me an email if that is better,
what is the RIGHT way to network and make long term connections?
Send me a reminder email and I will give you some suggestion what part of the industry are you trying to get into and if you can disclose this what city do you live in?
^i’ll draft one up in a sec for you.
Yo son as someone who is in the industry , and who have made them fucking rounds at industry settings I know the fucking met and great vibe that goes on at them functions. Sometimes and son don’t take any offense to this but I think that gay brothers usually to see a gay under very rock, and more times than often they are wrong lol. One of the myths about Hollywood is that it is heavily populated by gay peeps and it is not true . There are way more str8 brothers in da industry than there are gay or bisexual brothers!!! Just in general gay peeps especially gay black peeps represent a small sample of the general population. So most of them brothers there are hunting pussy and nothing else. Another myth about the industry that there is a gay mafia that runs the industry, and it simply not fucking true. This is why so many peeps are deep deep in the closet because they don’t want to face the discrimination that are assigned to gay peeps.
What most likely happen when the muther fuckers giving you the eye it is most likely because the African American industry circles are very small and so if you make all the right rounds then everyone will know you or have seen you in that small circle. These brothers were probably giving you the eye because you are new to the scene and they are trying to figure out if you can help them to advance their cause. Also the common thing at industry functions is that more than 75% of them muther fucka there are broke no bodies who try to dress and look the part of successful peeps. For example, I had an acquaintance who drove a $70,0000 car but his ass was broke and he lived in a house with 3 roommates and had no money to buy furniture for the fucking place. He dated a lot of models and high profile women and he talked a good game about his success, but sooner or later the women would find out that he was a fucking fake and they would drop his azz. I agree with you that networking is key to opening the doors to the industry, but in order to network effectively you have to be bringing something of value to the table that brother man Nerd pointed out in his post.
One of the things that I learned about the industry is that the mutha fuckas can smell a nobody bullshit a mile away and they will shut down on yo azz quick. You can tell the people who are the bullshiters because they are the ones who are always talking about their next project, or that they want to direct etc. Also another things about the fucking industry is that fucking models and actors are a fucking penny a dozen, and on any given day in the industry you can throw out a stick and hit a 1000 unemployed models and actors lol. Actors and models are usually looked upon in da industry with fucking comtemp and they are often treated like the gum stuck to the heel of our shoes. If I had a penny for every time I met an model, actor, rapper, or producer who share with me that they were “blowing up I would be a rich mother fucker lol. The peeps with the real influence and power in the industry are the ones who are usually quiet and who all the nobodies try to hang around. This is probably why you were getting a lot of attention because you were quiet. Okay muther fuckers I done drop some knowledge now someone give me sum azz lol
Correction: Yo son as someone who is in the industry , and who have made them fucking rounds at industry settings I know the fucking met and great vibe that goes on at them functions. I meant to say who have made them fucking meet and greet vibe. This is what I get for looking at porn while I try to type a post. It doesn’t matter because most of ya muther fuckers are illiterate anyway lol. I kid ya muther fuckers lol.
^ya know it is funny Killa,
but I observed that too.
Everyone was dressed casual but I came in work attire and was more professionally dressed.
From your words, I made the right impression.
The dudes in there outnumbered the females.
I did see dudes hunting pussy but it was few and far between.
A TON of dudes dressed to the 9s…. and I was told they were all artists.
Struggling artists who were trying to get put on.
I peeped:
The “let me hang around the one who looks like he has some connections, laugh and bullshit, and make myself be seen and heard” guy.
The “Let me dap up EVERYONE so I can let myself be seen” guy.
The “I’m too cute to talk to anyone unless they look important” guy/girl.
I was pretty much in observation mode.
I kept it low key and did the eye contact thing.
I didn’t know them and thought it would be corny to just walk up to random strangers who I am sure would have given me the tired lines of what they do…
I did feel a lot of bi Wolves were in that room tho K!!!
And you are so right about that model and actor thing.
It becomes overkill because they look like regular attractive people.
High fashion modelling and “I have a portfolio full of pictures to post online” modelling are two different things that MOST black folks do not understand.
Hey Jamari, I’m not in the industry but I think I might have a thinking point. I think that if you want the wolf and the career you could get the career you want and then incorporate the wolf somehow. Or you could choose the career that might be based close to the wolf but not to the effect that you see each other too often which in some cases might not be too bad if the two parties are mature enough to handle it. Its my intention to break into the industry and then just be a the cute outsider sorta.
^after last night,
I am only interested in industry Wolves.
I have been to industry events with white people but last night was with the young 20-30 black crowd…
What I saw last night confirmed to me why people do what they do in the industry.
You both have something to lose.
You both work together and use your connections.
Plus you won’t get some ragga muffin like you will on a chat site.
I bet none of those Wolves even get on chat sites because you can get some ass/dick with the right connect.
Or was it for a certain ATL rapper?
^ I need to have you on my team.
You good with the investigation…
I look for that in Fox spies.
Butter go find out Devin Thomas whereabouts and drag him back to my Fox lair NOW!
butter is on it! all of these events were on wednesday night . i even went to one!
he was GOOD lolol
I like Butter already.
Let me find out me and stylez were probably in the same room.
The launch party, was it for a certain DMV rapper who’s now with MMG?
I remember a basketball player at Walmart gave me that stare directly into my face as he walked past me, Its like dude paralyzed me with his long 5 second gazed. Then what did it was when the nigga turn around and looked at me raising his head while scrolling along with his peeps. My lil cousins was with me in which the youngest shouted out, “you know everybody and while the older one said “He aint even got to speak for them recognized him” then his little bro closed it with “He thinks he’s so cool” ROLMFAO!!!
I remember a basketball player at Walmart gave me that stare directly into my face as he walked past me, Its like dude paralyzed me with his long 5 second gazed. Then what did it was when the nigga turn around and looked at me with then raised his head while scrolling along his peeps. My lil cousins was with me in which the youngest shouted out, “you know everybody and while the older one said “He aint even got to speak for them recognized him” then his little bro closed it with “He thinks he’s so cool” ROLMFAO!!!
^awww lol