the gays are the reason the kids are all turning gay!!!!

Do you ever wonder what goes through someone’s head when they spew pure hatred in public?

where is the home training?

they strut out in public,
going HAM about communities they don’t hate,
without a care in the forest or other people’s feelings.
they acting like burner accounts brought to life.
a Foxholer sent me a story about a gay male,
encountering hate at the gym.
some jackal barged into the sauna,
spewing his venomous thoughts about gay men and…

what was his end game in that sauna?
did he want a standing ovation?
a celebratory clink of glasses at the bar?
his childhood trauma erased?
was he actually looking to cruise and there were no prospects?

i’m sure.

Sidebar: I’m about sick of the” gays are gonna turn out my kids”.
If your kids turn out to be gay,
maybe they were always gay and they couldn’t be honest with their idiot parents?

Welcome to being on the DL out of fear of my parents disowning me!
Either way,
instead of worrying about the gays,
worry about these white she-jackal teachers who are preying on these damn kids.

That or the degenerates on Twitch/Kick/The Clock App who will probably turn your kids into school shooters.
They gays can’t take the blame for these mofos and their bad parenting.

if your parent is out here flipping out about gays in public,
why would you even be honest with them about your sexuality?

it’s the same tired narrative but here’s the kicker:

Those jackals in the public eye who say whatever they want have money and backers.
They can afford to run wild with their hatred because they’re on top of the totem pole.

regulars with no power who spew hatred?
they face regular consequences.

Losing your job and your source of income.
People in your life start seeing you as unhinged.
The public thinks you’re a liability and steers clear.

don’t let these public jackals put a battery in your back.
they won’t come to your rescue or pay your legal bills.
you’ll end up on banished man’s island,
floating alone,
regretting the day you decided to share thoughts no one asked for.

my favorite tho?

Many of these public figures spew hatred in public but do the same shit and worse in private.

if these straights found this out,
they might all spontaneously combust in unison.

Go comfort @sleevednboujee after his awful day: here

lowkey: is she gay?

i have an idea!

All the gays with kids need to warn their children that the straights are hateful,

shoot up schools/public places,
don’t take care of their own kids,

and other stereotypes about some of their questionable behavior as well.

lets all be triflin’ in generation trauma together!

4 thoughts on “the gays are the reason the kids are all turning gay!!!!

  1. I think this is a bigger issue than people want to believe especially in the black community, while this particular story is in a social setting I think it also translates to our issues with the current political climate.

    Currently, it’s fashionable to criticize Democrats, mainly due to their support for the LGBTQIA+ community. However, it’s important to note that there are “Gays for Trump,” and the GOP supports Caitlyn Jenner. In black social media spaces, we’ve spent the last four years making “The Gays” and “The Trans” the number one issue in the black community. The quickest way to get clicks and views is to post something that will provoke homophobic or transphobic comments, resulting in instant success.

    The core issue is that animosity towards LGBTQIA+ individuals isn’t a policy stance and does little to improve our real quality of life. It won’t foster safer communities, curb police brutality, enhance education, ensure clean water, combat environmental racism, improve healthcare, or reduce maternal mortality rates among black women. Despite this, countless negative comments flood posts about individuals like Dwyane Wade and his family, even though Mr. Wade’s wealth and lifestyle place him in a vastly different bracket from the majority who criticize him.

    Ultimately, it appears that genuine concern for children is often absent. Many are preoccupied with the fear that their children might identify as LGBTQIA+, disregarding more pressing issues, the kids can’t read and illiteracy has become widespread, deficient math skills, and a lack of historical knowledge are just some of the many problems the kids face. In modern society, your kids sexual orientation should be the least of your worries as a parent.

  2. Jamari I ain’t never met nobody as willing to turn down money as you. I know everyone has real life lifing, but why haven’t you figured out/updated us on this issue that us subs run into every month?

  3. You know what’s wild?
    Its usually not the feminine guys who molest/S.A children it’s the DL’s. It’s the feminine ones that lay out all the warnings and disclaimers about the lifestyle. They might be socially “messy” sometimes but that’s usually within the community. The DL usually use the children to fulfill them sexually because they’re so worried about being outed by another adult. All they have to do is set up a good threat if they were to tell. That’s who he should worried about imo.

    The guy is clearly going through an identity crisis and possibly trauma from childhood. Maybe some self hate?

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