Did I Miss Something?

NjkfQjfis it me,
or did i miss an episode of the game?…
Continue reading “Did I Miss Something?”


the word “hi” signifies a polite greeting in the english language.
the perfect opener for when meeting someone for the first time.
couple it with a warm smile and a firm handshake,
it can let the guard down of many.
“hi” can also be used when you text someone.
the variation of “wassup” or “sup” can also be used.
send a random “hi” to a stranger and it can open the door for conversation.
so when the wolf that i ( x wrote about the other day ) sent me “hi” last night,

Why did i roll my eyes?…


Continue reading ““Hi.””

Devin Thomas In Hospital; Says May Die?

Screen Shot 2014-01-02 at 4.23.57 PMummmmmmmmok“chinchillas for errbody”?

tumblr_lke2rrEiMe1qfwr0qo1_500what in every bit of “wtf”?
i hope he is gonna be okay.
seems like the emotional jackal and hyenas are getting him.
i def send my prayers to his entire situation.

x go to his instagram

“Are You A “N*gga” or an “African American”?” Asks a Confused TMZ.

Screen Shot 2013-12-19 at 12.19.48 PMtumblr_mxomv6dP6z1qlutygo1_250i like tmz.
they get all the inside dirt first.
i believe they have spies everywhere.
they’re usually on point and it makes finding articles on the subject a lot easier.
i know that if a scandal breaks,
i’ll head to tmz first.
with that being said,
they REALLY need to use their fuckin’ brains.
who cooked up THAT poll as a brilliant idea????
like seriously…

source: tmz

You Ever Just Looked At Your Phone and Gave This Face?

sam-emoticonapparently i’m too optimistic.
who woulda thunk?
i woke up to about 13 iMessages today on my phone,
from left,
who thinks that i’m not seeing the real side of life.
the one where white people are “crackas”,
everyone is out to get you,
it’s all about money and power,
and you are doomed if you aren’t rich.
that’s his biggest problem with me.
in his words:
“that’s jamari’s world and everyone just lives in it.”
all because i refuse to call white people “crackas”,
not manipulate and fuck people over for power,
and just keep the faith as i work towards my goals.
tumblr_inline_msvlaeyVUv1qz4rgpwell what a fuckin’ disgusting man of a bitch i am.
i need to be shot on site then.

lowkey: someone may need to get read the riot act.
i been holding a lot of word vomit in for a while now.
 it’s time to throw it up.

Lady Gaga and R. Kelly Do What They Want on SNL

tumblr_mwh9t7R8Ch1rpgfoho1_500so lady gaga hosted snl this weekend.
she invited special guest r kelly to take the stage with her.
okay, thats fine.
someone explain their performance of “do what u want” for me:

x click here to watch it

…because im absolutely confused.
is this what it has come to gaga?
should i also ask r kelly the same question as well?