
persons-0022_largei broke ( x my path ).
i ended up…
and exploded all over myself earlier.
i feel so disappointed with myself foxhole.
i was really trying hard to focus.
i will say i was so spiritually connected tho.
i’m going to try again starting tomorrow for monday.

Hooked, Lined, and Crushed

tumblr_n8sltuTsp41sjnivto1_500god has a funny sense of humor.
he can also be SUCCCCHHH an asshole as well.
the universe,
or whatever you believe in.
“your prototype” will be placed in your life.
your “straight” prototype.
well maybe.
he hooked,
and reeled you in with “something”.
its not like we have a lot of choices within this world.
this life we live isn’t exactly a dating mecca.
we aren’t vixens where they can get it easier.
we have to cross our fingers on hook ups and fast life styles.
ultimately between the random booty calls,
this “prototype” still has a special place in your heart.
even if you only see him for a few seconds,
it feels like a million moments.
yes my friend.
you crushed with your emotions.
the most dangerous way to “crush”.
i had to wonder…

…and how exactly do you stop that?
Continue reading “Hooked, Lined, and Crushed”

HONEY (I’m late)

so I’ve got good news and bad news.
I’ll start with the bad news first…
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So I Guess Chris Brown Isn’t Going To Be In between Your Sheets?

tumblr_ni8tcjL39m1rirxvyo1_1280okay how healthy does he look here?
oh hakeem…
i mean chris.
confused him with ( x this one ) for a second.
why must these things happen to you?
well that was chris in court today.
he was back in court because they revoked his probation.
the foxwire got the full scoop from tmz and well…
Continue reading “So I Guess Chris Brown Isn’t Going To Be In between Your Sheets?”

So At What Time Will You Put Me In front of The Firing Squad?

19821_orayesterday when i got into work,
everyone was weird.
well weirder than usual.
the atmosphere felt really tense.
people were being standoffish than usual.
my foxy senses didn’t like it at all.
i knew the end of the day was going to be some bullshit
Continue reading “So At What Time Will You Put Me In front of The Firing Squad?”

I Came, I Got, and Fell Flat On My Butt Cheeks

fall1so i got the email i was approved for google adsense.
i know.
i know.
i was at work today and almost did a cartwheel down the hall.
i thought i came up.
“the start of my blogging career starts right now!”
well the celebration came to a complete halt when i came home…
Continue reading “I Came, I Got, and Fell Flat On My Butt Cheeks”