In Memorial Of The Social Life I Use To Have

Straight up, this weekend has been a disaster.

I have NEVER been home like this for a Memorial Day weekend.
It was either cookouts, work (when I did retail), or meeting up with some Wolf.
This year was PAINFULLY different.
It started out with some things to do but it ended with the usual mix of loneliness and depression.

Why oh why oh why…

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Maybe I Need To Sit The F*ck Down?

I have to come to understand what my biggest problem is.
It took me all these years to finally sum up my issue in one word….

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Rain On Me (Non-Ashanti Style)

I am tite.

Why is it when I want something,
it is always some fuckin’ challenge?

Can a Fox have it easy for once?

Continue reading “Rain On Me (Non-Ashanti Style)”


Now you know you need to be dunked in holy water
when you smash and can’t even remember who you were smashing.

It is also bad when you are smashing someone you do not know
and they are secretly taping you for viewing on a site like….

… and then on theĀ .

came crying to me one night about this…

Continue reading “THAT WAS ME FUCKIN’ ON XTUBE!!!”

Let’s Butt Fuck Cupid

Valentine’s Day.
The Day The Earth Stood Still For Singles

Continue reading “Let’s Butt Fuck Cupid”

I Hate Myself and I Wish I Were Dead


A word that can be like a big ass pimple before a photo shoot.
Don’t they just pop up at the wrong fuckin’ times?
Like, life can be going smooth and then some shit happens and you aren’t as sure of yourself as you should be.
You sit dwelling about what you should have done differently.
Replay the scene in your head and pause to analyze.

It sucks, but what do you think of this statement down below…

Continue reading “I Hate Myself and I Wish I Were Dead”