Marsha Teaches Us Something

It’s so funny how this video made me forget I was in pain due to my tooth for 4 minutes.
This video is absolutely riveting.
I did not SEE that twist coming upon watching it.
In my own life, I have been there.
Maybe we all have been at one point.

Good message and something EVERYONE needs to watch.


A bitter sweet video.
Shows the joy of love and the brutal reality of life.

Fox approved Marsha!

Shit In The Air (Nigga Duck!)

Story time!
Gather round!

Once upon a time,
there were 2 Foxes who grew up together.

They were the best of friends who did everything (well almost everything) together.
They vowed that they would have each others back
thru the good times and the bad…

… that is,
until one Fox started getting steady dick downs and his brain squeezed thru his ears.

Continue reading “Shit In The Air (Nigga Duck!)”

In Devin’s Hard Times

I woke up this afternoon *ahem*
to a ton of emails from Foxes far and wide.



Continue reading “In Devin’s Hard Times”

Mister Attitude = Gone.

Well my day went south.

I was trying for the life of me to find out where Mister Attitude went. I haven’t seen his ass for 2 weeks at work. The last time we spoke, he let me know that he also got down.

He was droppin’ subtle hints that he was interested me in…. And then, like a man, the muthafucka vanished!!!!!

Well, I found out today that he doesn’t work here anymore. I am a little sad by the news. I am going to miss seeing his sexy ass daily.

Well I guess I get to look at the other guys, but they are “straight” so ain’t nothing going down but a fuck fantasy and an invisible cigarette.

At least Mister Attitude was adapting to my attitude. I heard he has a social site page.

Should I add him?

I mean, we weren’t close like that but he knew who I was. I do not wanna look like a stalker. Not sexy at all

Whatcha think?


Brought 2 U By the Foxberry

Dealing With All That Cock!

We seen em.
We have heard em a mile away.
We witnessed the fuckery in the clubs.
We have read their Myspaces, Facebooks, and Tweets.
Watched them “impress who?” on the gay sites.

They are like a strong cologne – their presence walks in the room before they do.

It is the world famous Cocky Nigga.

Are they really the shit as the claim or just a temporary high?

Continue reading “Dealing With All That Cock!”