Rejected. Curved. “HE DONT WANT YOUR ASS!”… Same thing, really.

Rejection is a bitch, ain’t it?
ESPECIALLY from someone like this:

or even this:

You see the Wolf of your dreams and you must have him.
Why wouldn’t he want you? – you ask.
You are cute, have a great personality, and a smile that can light up the room.
Shit, fuck that, YOU ARE SEXY.
You are perfect.
So you think you have what it takes and go after your Wolf.

Only to get CURVED.

You play it off like you are good and that asshole didn’t know what he is missing.

Uh huh. Yeah. Shit.


You think it is over, but it isn’t.
There is a lot more to come after that rejection.

How do you really react when you are rejected?

Continue reading “Rejected. Curved. “HE DONT WANT YOUR ASS!”… Same thing, really.”

Twist The Knife Judge, Just Twist The Knife!

It’s probably very difficult for an NFL player to hear someone tell him that his career is probably over. It’s probably even harder for that news to come from a man carrying a gavel and wearing a robe.

That’s what happened to Terrell Owens on Wednesday, though, as Judge Marc Marmaro got all judgmental on him. Owens was in court in an attempt to reduce his child support payments because he’s broke. Here’s what went down, according to TMZ.

T.O.’s lawyer made it clear — his client is a man without a team and therefore a man without a paycheck. The judge went one step further, telling T.O. his prospects for a comeback are bleak.

Judge Marmaro said, “His NFL career seems to be over. I mean no disrespect.”  T.O. nodded his head in acknowledgment.

What a sad head nod that must’ve been. The news had to come from a judge.

The judge wasn’t totally heartless, though. He did offer a little bit of support to Owens, telling him that Kurt Warner made a run to the Super Bowl after a stop in the Arena League.

Of course, he left out the part about Kurt Warner not being 38 years old at the time, coming off a catastrophic knee injury, or being saddled with the label of a malcontent team-killer. The stories may not be totally similar.

The judge has not yet ruled on whether or not he’ll lower Owens’ child support payments. Lowering the boom on his NFL hopes was enough for one day.

Source: Yahoo

Let this be a lesson to ALL Baller Wolves reading my site…
A little bit of Jamari Fox tough love…

Continue reading “Twist The Knife Judge, Just Twist The Knife!”

The Feeling of Being “Here”

I feel un-satisfied.
And because of that today, I feel like I want attention.
I guess one can say I am feeling like a brat.
I figured write out my feelings and maybe someone out there could relate…
… or I just talked to myself and, yeah.

Continue reading “The Feeling of Being “Here””


I feel like I should be wearing some big glasses,
moving my head back and forth,
wearing all black,
and singing hood anthems…

a la…

It’s that wonderful period in my life again.
One that seems tougher than the past.
Now, a Fox has been:

Homelessness, sleeping on couches, broke, jobless, loneliness…
Not to mention betrayed, talked about, used and thrown to the side…

A Fox has been through the ends and outs.
God has blessed me so much these last few years that I could never complain.
But, I seem to be in a slump these last few months.
Nothing seems to be going where I want it to go.

Am I being ungrateful?

Continue reading “IT HURTS LIKE HELL.”


Is it me, or is the black community filled with an abundance of users?

Why can’t we as blacks never get it right?
I know we have talked about this type of Wolf,
but it seems that even your own “friends” or people we work with.
Someone who on the outside portrays the epitome of “good” to everyone else,
but they have the wrong intentions and the wrong spirit… with you.
Everyone speaks so highly of them, but they want to give you their ass to kiss.
It is always a downer to meet someone like this because you keep asking, “why can’t everyone else see this??”

Can’t these fuckers come with a warning label?


R.I.P. Nicholas

Continue reading “R.I.P. Nicholas”