1 is the UN-Loneliest Number

Going out alone has always been weird to me.

I am so use to finding someone else to tag along with to occupy time.
I always felt it meant you were a loner or banished by society.
Lately, I have been feeling unfulfilled with people in my life.
Tired of waiting for phone calls, waiting for late people to arrive, and tired of being alone even if I am out with a ton of people
(read between the lines of that last statement).

So, I made a desicion to go out and enjoy my life as a solo act.
Go out there, network, and find what I am looking for.

Pop the hood for what I discovered…

Continue reading “1 is the UN-Loneliest Number”


This gentleman was fired from my job today.

I know this is not my usual but I thought I would flip it today….
A little personal….

I don’t know why it effected me the way it did.
It wasn’t me but it was someone else.
Maybe it let me know that our jobs are not guaranteed.
Or, it let me know that people are cruel and heartless….

Either way it is still FUCKED UP…

Continue reading “FIRED… and FUCKED.”