guess whose bizzack from their cancellation?

the only time i cancel someone(s) is if they murder,
or commit any kind of other heinous act against another.
i may give cancellation points if you’re:

Sidebar: I’ve never met a rude celeb.
They say don’t meet your heroes but I’ve been lucky.

everyone was all set to cancel will smith over “slap gate” at the oscars.
i had my feelings about it but i wasn’t gonna cancel him.

When folks cancel half of white Hollywood for their shenanigans…
we can chat.

it wasn’t looking too good for will months after,
but it looks like all is moving forward

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MEAT: (361)

tumblr_mou1twLL0L1qfofhno1_1280this is more our speed anyway.
right foxes?
we’ll wipe the sweat from his chest…

Continue reading “MEAT: (361)”

Foxy Lifestyle: Fox, Wolf, and Werewolf.

I always get asked:

“Jamari, what is a Fox?”
“What’s a Wolf?”
“Am I a Fox? or Am I a Wolf?”

Well, I’ll tell you…

Continue reading “Foxy Lifestyle: Fox, Wolf, and Werewolf.”

Soulja Burrell


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