Don’t Start The Fire If You Can’t Take Your Hose And…

…. grrrrr!!!!

Everyone has a different experience in this lifestyle.

Some of us can walk out the door and start sucking a dick by the time you turn a corner.
Others meet Wolves once we get them comfortable.
A majority however are not meeting anyone.
It is what it is, ya know?
I believe it is all in your season.
At that time, you are you most confident and your sex appeal is highest.

Sometimes, a nigga is just having an OFF moment.

But, what happens when you meet a Wolf you think gets down and he is slowly going about the connection?
You know that wack “I’m really undressing you with my eyes” bullshit.
How do you successfully get him out his fur?
And, would he ever come out?
I had to wonder…

How do you rescue the Wolf who is trapped in his own closet,
but trying to get into yours?

Continue reading “Don’t Start The Fire If You Can’t Take Your Hose And…”

Rumor Has It, You Are Nothing But An Insecure Little B*tch

Do you judge a book by it’s cover?

I will admit that I do.

Some books just do not catch our interest at all.
Sometimes they just LOOK boring.
You have to take too much time to read the shit.
We are usually over it and move onto something else.
But, we will run to the pick up the books with a eye catching cover.
Maybe even because it looks like it won’t take long to read.
But, I am starting to realize that the books without the “extra” have the best stories.
You may even learn something new.
As humans with short attention spans,
anything worth the read is not worth the time these days.
Coming off to smart may actually repel; coming off too stupid attracts.
I had to wonder…

Should we just give some “books” a chance?

Continue reading “Rumor Has It, You Are Nothing But An Insecure Little B*tch”

The Thing That Counts Is What’s Inside of My Issues

Ya know, I have been thinking today…

Thinking: my worst enemy, right?
But, I have been thinking how grateful I am for all of you guys who read.
I can never say it enough, but I am extremely blessed.
From the views, to the lurkers, to the comments: Aaaahhhhhh, I get all mushy thinking about it.

Oh shut up, you know your ass is smiling.
I know that we only communicate through words, but those words definitely bring us closer.
I try to write or supply you guys with something nice every day, just to bring us closer.
See, it is all in my master plan of Fox World Domination.
Patience, my Foxes, Hybrids and Wolves out there.

*insert evil genius laugh track here*

That being said…

Continue reading “The Thing That Counts Is What’s Inside of My Issues”

I Give A Shit About YOU YOU YOU.


Have you ever wondered why YOU have the problems YOU are have?
All of the arguing and the drama; broken relationships and lonely nights.
Well, as much fun as blaming others,
Maybe you need to simply blame YOURSELF.

YOU have to take a look in the mirror and ask yourself:


Continue reading “I Give A Shit About YOU YOU YOU.”

The True Tale of the Other Asshole

They say judge and yee shall be also judged.

I am starting to believe that phrase was started by someone
who was talked about and could not handle the heat.
Do people really believe they will go through life,
judgement free,
just by not judging someone else?
That is a foolish way to think.
But, can you be someone who does stupid things and expect people to be okay with it?

Are some people just prone to forever being foolish?

Continue reading “The True Tale of the Other Asshole”

You’re Invited To Solve A Problem

Hebrews 11:1 –  Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, and the sign that the things not seen are true…

I feel I have been doing the above for years.
Maybe even all my life and I’ll confess, I never really read the bible like that.
But I will admit that I have sat and envisioned a lot of the things I have wanted or wanted help with.

Some I got; others I didn’t.
(but found out WHY I wasn’t suppose to have it later on)…

I was sitting down talking to Star Fox when I came up with an analogy about problems and faith.
Shocked myself how I did it, to be honest.

Want to hear it?

Continue reading “You’re Invited To Solve A Problem”