You Won’t Get No Ass If You Sittin On Ya Ass

“It is like… 10am on a Thursday, why are you not at work?

Yeah, why are you not at work?
Vain made that excellent comment in an entry below.
One of which I couldn’t help but dwell on all night.
I’m getting up at 6am to go hustle and somewhere and there are Wolves who are in Dreamland.
I came up to a solid conclusion:

These Wolves today are rather lazy and broke…

I am part Fox/part money lover/I expect MUCH better.
Now I know that may have made say, “oh one of them!”

But hear me out…. Continue reading “You Won’t Get No Ass If You Sittin On Ya Ass”

Hey Guys! Lets Go Swimming In The Thirst Pool!!

Thirsty behavior bothers me.
Well, pure dehydration bugs me.
I was reading an entry from Vain on his site on the train.
His blog tends to be my commute read.
I literally said out loud:


Everyone looked at me like I was one of the crazies.
I did not care because the subject matter was one I see all too well.

Let’s get to it…

Continue reading “Hey Guys! Lets Go Swimming In The Thirst Pool!!”

How To Date A Fine Wolf… And Not Go To Jail.

Having a fine Wolf can be an issue.
It definitely has it perks, but you look at him and wonder sometimes:

“Will this fool cheat on me?”

Even though, for some strange reason, you forget you are attractive too.
We never like to place our value higher than these Wolves we date.
I guess after waiting so long, we automatically brand him as “KING”.
But, when you display your fine new Wolf to the world…
…and the Jackals and Hyenas start to attack…

What do you do?

Continue reading “How To Date A Fine Wolf… And Not Go To Jail.”