Gain A Friend; Sit My Ass Down

camping-under-the-starsin life,
when you pray about something,
you usually get your answer.
i pray every night for god to give me the answers i’m looking for.
work wolf has been included.
well its funny how the f0xmail i posted led yesterday led to an answer today…
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The Lunch Date

tumblr_n71h8rYyJ31r8u8uko1_500i guess one of the perks of being gay is knowing pretty vixens.
like 98% of the vixens i know are gorgeous.
no full blown ratchets.
all trying to make something of themselves.
you are who you attract?
they are always #teamjamarifoxlife too.
the funny part is,
if i was straight,
i’m sure i would have dated them.
well today i went on a lunch date with one of the flyest…
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She Was Thrown Into The Dark Forest All Alone

tumblr_static_bvpw3278wa0ogck0koc84w0sw_640_v2“am i a heartless person?”

i had to ask myself that when i walked into my bedroom tonight.
i’ve been up since 530am.
i got out of work at 830pm.
i’m exhausted.
i want to come home to just relax.
well mi has an issue.
one not involving her,
but a home-vixen she knows
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f0xmail: My Friend Is Being Neglected! Help!


Hey Buddy:

Low-key: I have know you for a while and love your website. Now I’m not the big advice wolf so I need your take on this for my friend.
What would you do..Do you ever have the feeling that you know you are right but you continue want to be wrong about things…. ?
So you meet this wolf who keeps saying he wants to hang out. You set up times move your schedule to accommodate. That day comes and nothing…You end up calling the wolf to see what happened. Okay things happen but it seems like everytime there is something, the wolf wants to see you as he works bicostally.
When he is on your coast and you try to get that time then you are thrown between friends, brunch,and  any and everything else. You also still have to check to see if your time is gonna happen… The wolf wants to be with you or so it’s said ….You go off because you just need to know what’s up…You think he and his New Yark X are done…Then in an exchange you find out the The wolf has another wolf who lives on the west coast which he never mentioned that he was still kicking it with between all the 750 texts and for your eyes only ass selfies. At  This point,you feel some kinda way about the lies and deceit .The wolf tries to make it seem like you got the issue.  He states he is not used to having pressure put on him about things….He states that things should be on his terms…. This same wolf wants to do an event business with you. He says he thinks your cool and should relax.
What should you do short of going to jail or throwing a brick in that new BMW..As respect is key here but you are the crazy one for always seeking clarity.. Your concerns are always dismissed and you just supposed to just be cool with what ever?
I need to help my friend and he don’t want to call Kywan….

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You Pineapples Ain’t Loyal

tumblr_mrzptcd5bs1srh6cco1_500we all have fought with friends.
i’m sure we have all gone at it with people we love.
i know i have.
lets say you choose to end the friendship.
maybe it was too much negativity.
or maybe it has just ran its course.
why the FUCK…
does that give someone the right to start telling your business?

what the hell is that about?
where is the fuckin’ loyalty?
shit like this makes you not want to trust people at all.
in friendships you are supposed to share things,
sometimes private moments,
and you expect them to stay between you and you “friend”.
well i guess the new thing is “friendship ends so lets start talking”.
you see these jackals expose everyone for 15 minutes of fame nowadays.
i started to wonder…

Why can friends turn into your biggest foes?

Continue reading “You Pineapples Ain’t Loyal”

Death Becomes It


well almost.
it always take something to being you back real quick…

so as i’m coming back from the barber shop,
headed to the store,
my home-vixen called me bawling.
i literally had to stop and sit on someone’s steps…
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