being a creative and suffering with depression is a special kind of hell

“I suffer from deep depression, so my only release is music.” – kevin gates

what if you have no energy for that?
your creative outlet?
something that should make you happy?
i’m sorry foxhole…

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jamari fox is a ghosting slut too

i use to think ghosting was meeting someone,
feeling their vibe,
enjoying their conversation,
maybe even the sexual part of it,
and then they suddenly vanishing on you.
calls and texts go unanswered.
no explanation whatsoever.
they just drop you like it never mattered.
to me,
that’s one of the most hurtful and cowardly things someone can do.
it wasn’t until i realized that i was a ghosting slut as well.

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i don’t want to live; i don’t want to die (jump by kofi siriboe)

i admire those who can live beyond their minds.
the ones who aren’t shackled in the dungeons within it depths.
your mind will really play tricks on you.
it’ll have you feeling like you don’t belong and shouldn’t exist.
it’ll replay past traumas that can cripple you.
i’ve been there and still there.
some days are better than others.
it can be a real struggle to find my worth.
this is one of the reasons i’m so glad mental health is being talked about.
in the black community,
it is often swept underneath the rug.
we’re told most white people are supposed to be weaker mentally,
as they tend to kill themselves due to their own mental illnesses,
but survey says that’s a whole lie as of late.
kofi siriboe,
who is one of the stars in own’s “queen sugar”,
and the epitome of fine af,

released a short film he wrote and produced about mental health.
it’s called “jump” and i wanted to show it to the foxhole…

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the depression that is taking over melyssa ford

as you know,
or didn’t,
but melyssa ford was in a car accident in july.
melyssa is a video vixen icon from the 90s,
but she now works alongside jason lee on his podcast,
“hollywood unlocked”.
well her jeep flipped over 3 times before landing upside down.
she was seriously injured because of what happened.
a few weeks later,
she posted this message on her youtube:

she is lucky to be alive.
well today,
she posted something that made me really sad on her ig.
it seems she is suffering these days…
Continue reading “the depression that is taking over melyssa ford”

michelle williams decided to run for shelter during her storm

we’ve all made jokes about michelle williams from destiny’s child.
from her falling during performances,
or simply not being able to keep up with beyonce and kelly,
she has been the butt of many jokes.
anyone who wasn’t b in that group was the butt of jokes.
i use to say she must be super strong because folk use to go in.
i use go in.
over the years,
michelle has been pretty vocal about her struggles with depression.
she posted on her ig that she seeking help for her mental health issues…

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You’re Not Dead But The Negative Thoughts Are Trying To Kill You

your mind can have you so fucked up.
it can have you feeling like you really ain’t shit out here.
it only happens when you’re at your lowest place.
you forget all the positives during that point.
last night,
i suddenly got so sick

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