i wanna put up a christmas tree with my manz too!

so disclaimer:

We don’t know what is going on BTS behind other people’s relationships or marriages.

The Foxhole and many in my life have desensitized me to IG relationships.
we just saw someone reveal their abuse in their relationship an entry down.
i don’t feel bad about being single because i’m in healing mode atm.
a Foxholer sent me a video from a couple,
patrick parrish and stevie jt,
putting up a christmas tree in the home their share…

Continue reading “i wanna put up a christmas tree with my manz too!”

Mario Lopez’s Butt Cheeks Were Roasting On An Open Twitter

who would give mario lopez some christmas trim?

i did not know mario lopez had his own underwear line.
i definitely learned something today!
it is called rated m.

his wife took a picture of him,
wearing one of the drawz from his line,
decorating his tree with his little one hanging out…

Continue reading “Mario Lopez’s Butt Cheeks Were Roasting On An Open Twitter”

What A Fox Wants For Christmas

As you should know,
Christmas is right around the corner.

I feel that I have been a good Fox this year.
I didn’t pour sugar in anyone’s gas tanks nor did I have to kick any Wolves square in his chestnuts.
So, I feel that I deserve all these things on my wish list.

So I present to you the 5 things that will bring a Fox Christmas cheer.

Continue reading “What A Fox Wants For Christmas”