atlanta city councilman, antonio brown, is coming harder for something greater

scandals don’t last for too long.
as humans,
have short attention spans especially due to social media.
we are on one thing today and the kardashians do something that takes our attention away.

Scandals don’t last too long.

atlanta city councilman,
antonio brown,
has moved past scandal and onto bigger and better

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so they just indicted atlanta city councilman antonio brown? (oh word???)

atlanta councilman,
antonio brown,
always had the best reputation…
thus far?
i don’t know much about him,
but some of the foxhole would send me various things about him.
he sat on city council,
hung out with the fione attentionistos,
did a ton of charity work,
and they made him seem really down to earth.
( x see his ig )
( x see his councilman page )
well 2020 is back at it again.
antonio brown just got “indicted indicted“…
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