Donald Trump Is A Great Debater Under Pressure

can we quickly talk about the press conference that trump had yesterday?
i’m moreso disgusted at this part on that shit show…
Continue reading “Donald Trump Is A Great Debater Under Pressure”


we made it!
2017 is upon us!
i am so grateful to step through this door with you all by my side.
may this new year be YOURS.
i love you all!


Thank You: What Jamari Fox is Thankful For

ya know,
today wasn’t so dreaded after all.
it actually went by like any other day.
i stayed in bed,
watched video games,
and updated the foxhole.
i couldn’t ask for a better day.
i would like to take time to give thanks.
i don’t do that enough.
there is a ton of positives that do happen in my life.
for instance,
i’m thankful for…
Continue reading “Thank You: What Jamari Fox is Thankful For”

HTD ’17


where are my manners?


i just started feeding you without greeting you.