sonya massey could have fared better with the prowler than the police

Have you updated your “in case of emergency” contacts in your phone?

if not,
i’m judging you heavy.

you know how it goes when election season rolls around.
out of nowhere,
black folks start dying and chaos begins to ensue.
the tragic death of sonya massey in illinois is just the beginning of the madness…

I refuse to watch the un-edited version of that video.

…but i read sonya called the police because she reported a prowler.
she ended up being shot in the head by a cop who had a trigger fetish.
something to do with her picking up a pot of water.
my thing is,
she was the person calling for help so why is she the one who got killed?

my friend who watched the video described it like this:

“Dude had no soul.
he shot her when she started quoting Jesus at him.
When the other cop wanted to run to get his med kit,
he was like,
‘there’s no saving her since it’s a head shot. She is gone.’
You could tell the other cop was panicking.”

the DEPUTY hunting hyena who shot her:

i can only imagine the sense of fear she had in her final moments.
this is why i’m very wary when it comes to cops.
if they don’t have a warrant,
they don’t need to step inside my home.
a few key sentences you need to have in your arsenal:

“Do you have a warrant?”
“I am not saying anything until I have a lawyer present.”
“What is your badge number sir/ma’am/they/them?”
“I am going to record this conversation with my phone for my own safety as well as any evidence needed if I have to take this to court.”

When you have your phone out,
as soon as you press record:

my name is ________.
The date is ______ and the time is _____.
I am with officer (point phone to them) and their badge number is _____.
Give a brief description of why they are in your presence.”

Let them know you’ll finish recording once they leave and they can’t turn back around to kill you.
Immediately send that recording to someone(s) or post it on social media.

Always leave a paper trail for witnesses to speak on your behalf.

i don’t fuckin’ play.
they have taken on the role as hunters due to their power.
remember: we have power too.

this will get some attention,
but then it’ll get swept under the rug as it usually does.
again: we know how it goes.

So i need everyone to make sure you know your rights,
don’t say anything without a lawyer present,
stay calm,
and show you are not the one lacking intelligence.
Make sure your emergency contacts will get alerted at a push of a button.

for those with iphones,
even though the health app has all the necessary information,
i’m setting this up so siri can be ready to roll.

and for those with androids:


i don’t know how androids work but google is your free assistant.
it’s time to research what to do in these kinds of situations.
it can save your life.

Rest in peace to Sonya Massey.

lowkey: i’m ready to lay down on the floor at talk to the police.
i ain’t even about to take chances with them.
many of these cops aren’t fully trained to use their weapons.
they’re ready to shoot your ass and deal with the paperwork later.

2 thoughts on “sonya massey could have fared better with the prowler than the police

  1. RIP Sonya Massey. You were murdered in cold blood by this cop, who should never have had a badge, especially after those DUIs and constant job-hopping. May justice exact its full force on him.

  2. The first words she spoke to those officers afte she opened her front door was,”Please don’t hurt me”.After they told her they had looked around outside(for the prowler)she thanked them and said I love y’all.
    I think she could tell Grayson had an evil spirit that’s why she said,”I rebuke you in the name of Jesus multiple times”.She said “I’m sorry” and he still shot her in the face.

    When he was outside rather than expressing any remorse he called her a crazy bitch. Also one of the cops lied and told the dispatcher that it was “self-inflicted” meaning she shot herself.
    If his partner’s body cam wasn’t on, they would have said she killed herself.
    Lastly that cop had 2 DUIs, he should have never been on the police force.

    Rest in Power

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