you know i like trey songz.
i have said plenty of times he has a special place reserved in my foxhole.
lately trey songz been in these streets ackin up.
first he done flipped on whoever this was ( x grabbing his stuff ),
and now he is allegedly breakin’ up his angel’s cell phones?
what in the world?
well according to this run down on bossip from a former angel…
My sister and I happened upon this establishment in Norfolk, Virginia where I am from originally.
Turns out Trey Songz had just booked his after party there for his birthday. My sister is a long time fan of his. She was over the moon with excitement to be there. The vibe was cool. No pressure. All good.
He had many groupies that were very sexually appealing women that had a very Miami/LA look that we were told he flew in because he didn’t want to risk not having pretty girls at his party in Virginia.
We were not involved in the party area. We kept away the entire time. When we were getting ready to leave my sister went up to him to say happy birthday and to tell her how much of a fan she was of his. She said ‘Happy birthday, I want you to know that I’m a big fan.’
He seemed to be very kind and while they were talking, he went in to hug her.
I snapped a pic and he saw the flash. Before the photo even completed, he snatched the phone out of my hands, took it to the back of the restaurant behind a curtain and that’s when it all went down.
He goes, ‘What the f***, don’t take no f**** pictures of me b****!’
He takes the phone, walks away with it and starts deleting pics off the phone, I said ‘Whoa, whoa I get it. I’m sorry I should have asked first. My sister and I can help you delete it, just give me my phone back!’
At this point all of his entourage starts coming over there and they’re like, ‘Shorty, shorty he’s just drunk. He’s gonna do what he’s gonna do.’
Then he [Trey] goes, ‘The more you b****s keep talking s*** the more likely I am to throw this phone across the f***** parking lot!’
So then I looked to him and said, ‘Really?!’ and my sister said, ‘I can’t believe you’re acting like this! I was such a fan, I’m sorry I’ll delete the picture!’
He then takes the phone, throws it on the ground and he stomps on it several times.
He gives the phone back to me and my sister and he gets in my face and says ‘Get these two f**** b****s out of here!’ His security guard then pushes us out of the club. My whole point of doing this is he’s already done this before. Further on down the line something big is gonna happen and it’s all gonna lead up to some big story and everything’s gonna add up. I put the story on Facebook and several people were sending me other social media screenshots where he had cussed out his fans. If he wants to be like this sex symbol, women are going to flock to him and you can’t act like that. Have your security take care of it, it’s just not okay.

so he turns 30 and his inner asshole comes flying out?
well first of all…
we would have been fighting for taking my phone.
i don’t understand why these people let celebs take their phones.
…talmbout erasing pictures because you mad.
pineapple get the FUCK outta here sonnnnnnn!!!!!!!!
thats grounds for me knockin’ your drunk ass out.
am i the only one who kinda thought it was a dude who wrote it?
as the foxhole has pointed out,
trey seems to have some kind of weird issues with his male fans.
i dunno…
these allegations seems trey is dealing with some internal issues.
maybe the industry is finally catching up with him?
or maybe this is all a lie for PR purposes?
this is very out of character for his swagg.
well if this story is true,
get your shit together trey.
your name ain’t “chris brown”.

but you get the point.
i said before and i’ll say it again..Trey songz is nothing more than an R.kelly reject…but one thing i can give to R.kelly he wrote hits for many different artists Michael jackson, isley brothers, Celine Dion, and numerous other artists and he has a variety of work from gospel songs, slow jams, club bangers and even hip-hop tracks..although he’s a perv lmfao he’s a musical genius…but Trey his music is just…THE SAME….no growth just typical ‘fuck bad bitches,and we in the club’ music…he makes club music and one thing about artists who make club music…their careers don’t last long…i can actually see Chris Brown’s career lasting longer…and then to have an attitude and that’s what cracks me up half of these singers these days owe their entire careers to autotune and have a nerve to be stuck up…BYE FELICIA…i used to be a fan but to me it seems since READY he fell off….chapter 5 was okay but idk i’ve gotten bored with him and i wouldn’t pay to see him live….the vixens can have him lol
I agree. Chris likely will have a longer career than Trey. At least we know what we are getting with Chris, but with Trey….it’s Jekyll and Hyde.The only reason he is still around is because of his looks, and you can’t ride that forever, especially when someone new comes on the scene. August is his replacement and I’m sure he is aware of it.
I was once a huge fan of Trey, but I am off the bandwagon. I don’t even find him attractive anymore as a whole.
Did anyone notice in the story how the ex-angel stated that trey flew in a bunch of girls from Miami because he was “worried that there would be no pretty girls at his party in Virginia”. Like nigga that is your hometown where you got your start and those women support you. These pineapples always act an absolute fool when they get a little shine. I’ve have heard also that he is an absolute dickhead in person and my sister want to go to that between the sheets infested ass bed bugs tour. He is not getting a dime from me. His light has def been fading, he better stop focusing on these exxxoctical vixen and get back to his roots like when he first started, because his roll call of ten fans are slowly shrinking.
He lost himself, and he lost some fans because of that. I’m ready for someone new. Trey can crawl in a hole at this point.
His time is declining anyways
He should be nice to the few fans he have left anyways
Yeah, I’d have whooped his ass. What bugs me even more is when they use their security as elementary school bullies. Justin Bieber socked a DJ for refusing to play a song then that little punk ran behind his security guards so the DJ couldn’t get to him. I can’t believe they’re allowed to get away with it. They’re supposed to guard, not act like police dogs. I hope this story isn’t true but I won’t be surprised if it is. Celebrities act like they’re royalty. Even Kings & Queens shit smell no different from mine so if you’re not Jesus himself descended from the Heavens, you can lose me with that attitude. Especially people who sing simple 3 minute nursery rhymes written by someone else. None of you are Bethoveen or Mozart. You’re not innovators, you can and are easily replaced. So appreciate what you have while you still have it because your 15 minutes could be up tomorrow. Especially in this day and age. The GP moves on quick.
This is not the first time we’ve heard of him doing this, and after seeing the video the other night….I am convinced he is an asshole. He acting like that and his album sales are slowly dropping off with each release. Light is slowly dimming and he outchea acting a fool. Boi get outta here.
In another five years he will be forgotten about, trust me.
I’ve kinda been over Trey awhile now , it’s seems like the supplements or whatever he’s taking has gone to his head, remember when he was all skinny with the cornrows? I bet he was nicer then.
^i heard he was kinda corny back then.
lol @ supplements tho…
no chill solar…