never tell your friend when they’re being cheated on

one time,
a teenage Fox was caught in a messy love triangle that wasn’t mine to begin with.

A cheating best friend
A clueless boyfriend I was mutually friends with
The much older wolf down the block that she was fucking

it sounds like the plot of a good soap opera but it was very real.
our friendship had hit a rough patch since she started cheating too.
one truth bomb from me and the boyfriend was so happy i told him but…

…it took a week for him to vanish from my life.
he went and told her what i said and she denied it all.
she called me everything but a child of God and he went back to her.
he was actually in the background as she was cussing me out.

bad enough,
my mother’s apartment flooded soon after and we lost everything.
i remember how nonchalant she was when i told her.

Fast forward a few years later…

she cheated but this time with his best friend,
but this time she ended up getting pregnant.
my mother ended up getting a bomb apartment too.

poetic justice?
i’d font so.

saucy santana is right.

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with some friends,
you can never be the messenger because in the end…

They’ll always blame you for the truth.

lowkey: she stay trying to be my friend now.
the boyfriend is too embarrassed to even reconnect.

they both can go because i’m not interested.

1 thought on “never tell your friend when they’re being cheated on

  1. I don’t agree with either of you. At the end of the day your loyalty should lie with your friend. In your situation Jamari, you sold your friend out! Had the situation been reversed I would’ve understood. I had a friend whose fiancé was cheating on her and I just happened to find out. I told her and she still ended up marrying him. She also cheated back on him before they got married and I kept my mouth shut. They are now divorced but our friendship is still in tact. Why? Because I was loyal to my friend, shared what I knew that I felt she needed to know, and let her make her own decisions without judgement. I had opinions that I shared but not judgment. 🤷🏾‍♂️

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