the baller who dashed after someone dipped in his butthole

when someone acquires a service from you,
you expect to be paid.

i don’t know why people try to skip out on paying sex workers.
you wanted to live out all of your filthy sexual fantasies for about an hour…

…but you want to dip and dash like you’re a teenager at i-Hop.

the following baller wolf decided to skip out on paying a sex worker.
she was gon’ get her money

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i’ve been moving wild funny out here because of diddy

i’ve been doing something and i think ya’ll might be disappointed with me.
it involves diddy

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i didn’t see this coming with halle bailey and ddg (or did i?)

these two are so strange to me.
i’m fascinated tbh.
so halle bailey and ddg spent months lying about her pregnancy,
was damn near being downright passive aggressive about it,
called everyone obsessed about their privacy,
but now that the cat is officially out of the bag…

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is akademiks gonna cry again over this diss record from saucy santana?

even though i was sus on that rape line from saucy santana,
akademiks has been asking to be checked.
he has been doing the most ever since he got fame.
i thought he was gonna be the underdog since complex.
fame brought out who he really is.
you know it’s bad when queen latifah gotta come off her throne for you.

so saucy santana already made him cry on his stream:

but i wonder if he is gonna cry another river over this diss record

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it was all a lie! guys, carlee russell was lying this whole time!

how to tell the forests your ex had good dick without saying it out loud.
this will forever describe carlee russell for the rest of her life.
the hoover pd had a surprise press conference and…

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if nore could take back this drink champs with kanye, he would

i saw this pop up on my spotify yesterday and i hit it with a:


you know the “mmm” black folks use when we are judging.
i feel like the old kanye was the new kanye,
but it was buried deep inside him waiting to torment us.
it seems his loose lips have started to sink his battleship tho.
over the weekend,
nore was HYPE to premiere kanye being on his show,
drink champs“.

the alleged tweets from nore:

kanye went up there and showed his entire black ass.
he talked about who drake smashed,
more anti-semitism,
and his theory about how george floyd was actually killed:

it was all good when they were “tee-heeing” over the gossip.
nore is trying to backpedal because george floyd’s family is coming…

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