they should never have given trump twitter.
maybe even a phone.
he is clearly just a social media president.
he spends more time twitter thuggin’ than doing his job.
well i saw something today that i had to retweet from him.
i was so confused that i had to show the foxhole…
Video Player
obama would never.
it feels like we are on a long running episode of “punk’d”.
all of this behavior just cannot be real,
but i gotta give it to him,
the muthafucka is consistent.
well cnn clapped back with a statement:
Obama would never.
lowkey: something serious must be going on because…
forgive me,
i watch too much “house of cards”.
do you guys think he is pushing media outlets out so they won’t be nosy and investigate him?
if he pushes away the main ones against him,
his jackal squad can control what is put out there.
which is scary because that means the real issues won’t get reported…
A lot of people feel that he does the tweets in order to distract from the issues with Russia. However, the fact that these nasty and crazy ass tweets come from the President of the United States, is sad as hell.
He is single-handedly destroying the dignity of the office. But he doesn’t care, it’s all about HIM. He has to find a way to brag and boast and turn the situation, whatever it may be, towards him. It’s embarrassing.
smh. personally I think if we stop posting, liking and sharing his post and tweets some of his craziness will stop. everything this man does and has done is for attention and ratings. he even said he never thought he would win the presidency.
maybe if the news stops covering him..he will eventually go away
Well he may very well get his wish. He is slowly pushing the media out of the WH. They already started banning videotape at the White House briefings. The only media outlet he gives interviews to is Fox News, because they kiss his ass and feed his ego. It’s disturbing what this man is doing to the office of the President. He is single-handedly destroying YEARS of trust-building and foreign relationships. Let him tell it though, no one has done a better job at foreign relations than him and our foreign allies love him. Little does he realize that he’s the laughing stock of the world leaders.
What’s even scarier is the people who get on television and try to make excuses for this man’s unprofessional behavior. I saw an interview with some of his supporters, and one lady said that his tweets are informative because they contain information about what he plans to do with policies like healthcare, tax reform, etc. Even some of the others had to look at her with the side-eye, like yeah are you watching the same thing I am?! Another guy said that if the media leaves him alone he could get a lot done. The interviewer said, “no one is picking on him. We are just doing our jobs, and that’s to question things. We’ve questioned leaders before him and we will continue to question leaders that follow him, but he seems to want it his way and his way only.”
It doesn’t work like that. He has to be held accountable for the things he says and does. And for him, he doesn’t like it when he is questioned, and when caught in a lie, he’ll blatantly deny that lie he was caught in. Now if an employee of his were to do anything similar, that employee would be fired. He is the owner/president of a world-wide corporation, and if this is how he conducts himself, it’s rather sad. We New Yorkers kind of knew the personality that we were getting, but I had no idea that it was as fucked up as we’ve been shown. The Republicans have shown that they put party above all else and they should be held accountable for this man’s antics…but America is too stupid to realize that these people don’t have their interests at heart AT ALL. They will realize it when it is too late, and by that time we may ALL be feeling the damage, employed or unemployed!
Don’t fall for his act. His Twitter tirades are keeping us occupied while his folks do their dirty deeds.
it’s a distraction
Ha ha ha .. Its so many ways to discuss this, but I don’t have the time. ( I’m grilling )
SHORT : Trump should never have been allowed to run for office!!!!
He is the same “Damaged” Human he has always been. I am Furious at the Establishment( Voters, Russians. Republicans ‘ Weak Democrats , Etc.) who allow him to remain in office. I Love this country, But something is very, very, very wrong with our Political System since Obama left. Throw in ” White Privilege” in the pot [ Because any Non White , Male , Republican could not have gotten away with this . No Democrat, Woman, NON- White Educated Person ]
P.S. Mr Fox Keep up the Good Work.. You are Highly Unappreciated ,Smart , Talented , Honest and should be at a National News Corporation speaking on behalf of those without a voice!!!!
^”P.S. Mr Fox Keep up the Good Work.. You are Highly Unappreciated ,Smart , Talented , Honest and should be at a National News Corporation speaking on behalf of those without a voice!!!!”
such a beautiful compliment.
thank you!
His mentally unstable ass is to damn old to be involved with this kind of fuckery.
^the hashtags took me out.
he gotta be kidding me
A disgrace.
^i just don’t get it.