so lenny kravitz is next in line for some leakage.
so he was performing at a concert in stockholm monday night.
in popping a squat during a song,
his pants ripped and his pipe flew right out.
this is what happens when you wear nut huggers.
well the f-bi sent me the picture and well…
ya know.
i don’t think lenny cared.
he even decorated his pipe for company.
am i the only one totally seeing that metal ring around his shaft?
steven tyler immediately texted lenny,
who posted his response to #penisgate on his twitter:
good to see he has a sense of humor about it.
He has a piercing at the base of his penis. He says it stimulates the clitoris of his partner…plus it feels good to him. He talks about it here:
Well, it seems that the concert-goers got more than what they bargained for.
Cockrings are usually used in a sexual context–like during sex to keep the dick hard. But if it’s a piercing at the base of the dick, does the piercing go all the way through the dick.
I saw Hairy Trench!
I have Lenny’s coffee table picture book and there are some very provocative pictures some from years ago. He has had this piercing for quite some time and does not mind showing it off. I anticipate an autobiography from Lenny in the future and him being very honest with very revealing things that most of us would not be surprised about. Life of a Rock Star.
It’s not a cocking though. It’s a piercing at the base of his penis.
U have to see the moving picture….. which has become the GREATEST GIF OF ALL TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He certainly is a sexy man!
Lenny has always rubbed me as freaky(in a good way). That’s a Dilf I would have no problem giving it to. Lol
P.S. I bet the sex with him would be on some high in X like shit lol
Lenny is (and always has been) very sexy to me. Something tells me that he’s a freak, just the way I like’em lol.
Wait a sec! Why a “str8” man is wearing a cock ring? That’s majorly used in the gay crowd, but then again he is a rock star and and they tend to be bisexual, hmmmmm, mmmmmm, yummmy
^forgive my ignorance,
but what do cockrings do?
Keep the cock hard. They’re not just for gays, they’re for ppl who can’t keep it up
^thanks no!
i always see it in porn and wondered what was the point…
For ppl? You mean men cause women can’t wear cockring, slut.
Well they are meant to keep it up. Nice peen tho bro.
Aww…Its so cute I just wanna kiss it muah!
^a wolf’s pipe can’t be cute kellz LOL
cute is for puppies and children looking to be adopted.
Lol! Well in his case jamari it’s cute and as in the words of Nene leaked “I said what I said” ha-ha.