i’m here to font everyone that in 2024,
if you have an exposure about someone,
you better drop names.
Cassie opened the door.
Katt Williams bought the block.
Christian Keyes di…
christian keyes liked tweets.
kelly price is stepping up with an alleged exposure about church folks.
what else is “knew” in that world?
she hinted of some wild shit happening bts of the bet show she is on,
sunday’s best…
Sidebar: did she ever explain when she randomly went missing that one time?

here comes kelly to play a game of “who did what?????“.
of course,
she doesn’t mention names so like christian keyes,
it will become a guessing game.
that means…
Everyone is gonna accuse the person they don’t like when that person could be innocent.
if you aren’t coming with names and evidence then they can shut tf up.
this is the problem with those who want to “tell all” for clout.
it comes off like warning shots to scare others into doing what they want.
i don’t know what kelly was trying to achieve here but she could keep it.
if they aren’t going to hit the gas like cassie and katt:

… back into the garage in their mind and let someone else take the wheel.
I mean but realistically speaking, in my opinion, Katt didn’t have tea. Most of what He’s said was known already or mentioned previously it was just his delivery. Meanwhile I heard Cassie is trying to make a comeback on a music career that never existed in the first place. Kelly Price isn’t saying anything new either. Whether Christian Muslim or Jew there are some perverts out there and I’m not surprised. People wear masks everyday in their world, whether it’s a mask of religion, sexual identity, politics, music, or etc. Behind some of those masks are pure evil. She better be careful before she disappears for real.
Well she did say gospel artists on her season in a follow up video after her fans asked her to narrow it down.She said,”There were only 4 artists on my season” The judges were Kelly,Erica Campbell and Jonathan McReynolds and the host was Kirk Franklin.Before she clarified that she was referring to her season people were saying Donnie McClurkin,BeBe Winans,etc.
Anyway this will blow over just like the other scandals.I haven’t heard anybody mention Tyler Perry’s name in weeks.Next week there will be another video rant.
Sooo if she knew one of the judges wa messing with underage kids then why didn’t she report is? Say names or keep it on the playground.