it’s miss flash brown, if ya nasty

so i’m enjoying my days off,
trying to get into trouble,
and the f-bi blew my box up something stupid.
every tip was about flash brown.
it seems he isn’t ^that anymore.

It’s Miss.

this is the new flash brown…





















so ima be me because ya’ll come here for me but uh…

I think she has lost her mind tbh

from past posts before she transitioned,
she has been doing off things for a while now.
folks need a hero tho so they’ll gravitate toward what’s happening.
something feels off and i’m hardly ever wrong.
good luck to her.

lowkey: i feel like something happened to her in jail.
something went left field when she was getting exposed by her exes.
they use to blow my box up with tips about her past behavior back then.

23 thoughts on “it’s miss flash brown, if ya nasty

  1. Its Jamari’s title for me:


    I think he is doing his thang and living his life!

    If he likes it, I love it !!! Applause,,, Applause

  2. Might be a topic for further exploration Jamari… but I think we gloss over the fact that the average person wouldn’t be in porn. Yes, we all watch it and appreciate their svcs, but I think there’s something to question about ppl who venture into porn.

    I know that there are cases where ppl are down n out and film a scene, but wouldn’t most ppl just go put in extra applications?? And again, I’m not saying that them IDing as trans now is a problem, but they have been a mess everytime they’re being reported on.

    Ijs, porn isn’t an industry that is represented at career day in school. Why should we be surprised that there’s always cyclical bs associated w their personal lives?!

  3. I know that he was doing things under cover. Many of these so called straight men are bisexual.

  4. That gif sums up my reaction to this news perfectly.

    Part of me doesn’t want to believe he’s trans because he’s so fine a la Jacob Kohinoor, but if this is how (s)he really feels, then I wish them nothing but peace and happiness.

  5. Jamari did you read the comments on your old entry from 2013 underneath this post? Someone is exposing him as playing for our team even all the way back then. Also I think that poster named Nikki is actually Flash himself.

    This seems to be purely sexual. There are men who get off on being dressed up in women’s clothes. it has a scientific/fetish name but i forget what it’s called.

  6. If you can’t under by now that calling him she is problematic is enabling the bullshit idk what is. Let’s just all be honest, this transgender take over is manufactured and nothing genuine about it. Sure some people legitimately suffer from gender dysphoria but those people represent a very small portion of the population. I’m sorry but most of these trans people are hopping on a fad or doing it because it supposedly gains them access to “straight” men and that’s a whole other conversation. There’s no way that he is a woman and callin him she is supporting delusion.

  7. Didn’t this “person” get convicted for pimping, abuse & revenge porn??? Seem like the crazy he experiencing may be karma…. Just saying

  8. I’ve never follow him… He became Michelle Jackson, if u nasty didn’t he?! lol! 😅😂 I’m being judgemental here. (Don’t hold it against me) but she’s very lighter shade of black. The hair and lashes and nails… … I’mma be quiet and live and let live. Do you boo-boo and all that.

  9. What in the world?!?! Listen, that person clearly ain’t been right in the head for a long time.

    1. For clarity, it wasn’t a judgement. I was just stating how everything I see of them (I’ve only seen info abt them on here) has been problematic and extreme. Idgaf what any grown adult does. Live it up.

  10. This truly feels like the twilight zone! What do you say to this??? Look I’m all for live and let live truly I am but this right here is too much to take in yeah jamari you’re absolutely correct something had to happen this man cause ain’t no way this was a natural occurrence.

      1. I’m so glad that you see it too. This is the same way I felt when Jacob Koohinoor came out as trans he goes by Jessica now but I have to admit my heart was broken because that man was so beautiful. But once I saw the transformation as time went on I got accustomed to it but I still say transition should be on a case by case bases not everyone is genuinely trans in my opinion even trans people have a standard so what does that say.

      2. I really think it’s drugs and his own mental state… I’ve seen his “gay” porn, he does the same kissy faces but seemed to be high the entire time while getting wild things done to him

    1. I am without words! I can say those previous videos etc. he looked as if he was on something. Again without words – but if it makes him happy. Even his conversations are incoherent. wow. I think it was a year and a half ago we had a conversation about new content etc. He mentioned trans etc. I was like be happy with you – not thinking he was talking about himself. And some of his prior “straight” stars are supposed to be apart of this new me project that he has tagged. Now his whole story makes sense. I hope he gets the help he needs.

  11. No. Someone needs to go and help him. Because he’s clearly screaming out for help. It’s written all over his spirit. He’s traumatized. And all of the broken split pieces of his personality is shattered. And he’s displaying all of those sides. From deep within his psyche. Lord please help him.

    1. First it was Lil Whop – now him. I actually did reach out and spoke to him – like what’s going on? He said living his best life. I was like just be careful but honestly I am a bit worried. His family distant themselves over the last two years and his “girlfriend”- fiance broke up after the first tape even though they engaged in it for some time together. I told him honestly I’m not trying to be judgmental etc. but I am a mental health advocate and when I see things way left field and I have access to people I try to help. He was like this started with the Fenty thing etc. He showed me entire view – I’m like bruh you already tall why you have on the stilettos

  12. I was confused so I just unfollowed.

    The industry really does chew up most Black men and spit them out, but at the same time, a lot of these dudes come into the industry with some deep seated issues.

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