well johnny crome let loose tonight on #lhhatl!!!
you know johnny crome.
he was the friend of nikko that made his quick debut last season.
well he came back to #lhhatl tonight with guns a blazing.
(and not his arms).
he let mimi know exactly about who she was dealing with.
well johnny and i had a nice interview because i had some questions.
so he spilled the beans on nikko,
how he felt about k michelle disrespecting his life,
and why he might vanish forever…
Me: Hey Johnny! I hope all is well with u!
JC: Everything is well. Thanks for asking. This will probably be one of my only statements about this “Love and Hip Hop” thing. I figured someone may want to hear an explanation and since you’re one of the only people to reach out even when there was no TV appearance, I appreciate that.
Me: No problem! Okay so lets get right into it. What made you appear on L&HHATL again?
JC: They persisted in asking me to come to do the episode. I live in LA now and they (LHHATL) continuously reached out to me to do the show, but I turned down. After further consideration I decided to do it. I didn’t want to appear on this show again for various reasons. However, sometimes we have to destroy the monsters we help create. In order to bring closure.
Me: Okay, so what do you mean by “the monster”?
JC: As far as the “monster” is concerned, without naming too many names, I think we all know who is being referred to. When there is “scheming” involved things never work out as planned. God wont allow positive outcome with negative intentions.
Me: So you’re talking about Nikko?
JC: Yeah. The Nikko I used to know was a standup guy. A street nigga from Brooklyn. People know Nikko in BK. His name is definitely known in those streets. However, the entertainment industry can turn family to enemies. He was my brother, but now I don’t recognize him. When your ego becomes bigger than your ambition, that’s when you lose yourself.
Me: Well from the episode, you kinda threw him under the bus…
JC: I didn’t throw him under the bus. I just told the truth. Enough with the lies, speculation, and the rumors. I kept it 100.
Me: So I’m guessing you and him don’t speak anymore?
JC: I haven’t spoken to Nikko since January.
Me: Wow. How did you two even meet?
JC: I met Nikko back in 2006 through a mutual friend and business partner of ours. Nikko was in a pop group with his wife, Margo. They were looking for songs for the project they were working on.
Me: Yeah so we are definitely going to get into that “wife” situation, but continue…JC: I submitted a few tracks to them. They liked them so we met. We worked well together so we formed a great musical bond and friendship. Nikko is extremely talented. Don’t be fooled by this fuckery he has going on now. If he ever decided to use his abilities the right way he could be something great. Funny story is my father actually owned a big roller skating rink in Brooklyn back in the day. Nikko used to go to there and hang out as a teen. My dad came to visit me in Atlanta last year and when they met, they remembered each other from back in the day.
Me: Now lets get into this “wife” thing because that was a twist I didn’t see coming…
JC: Margo is a flat out star. When you see her and hear her music, as I’m sure you will once the story really breaks, you will understand what I mean. She is great!
Me: Is he still married to that woman?
JC: Yes. Nikko and Margo are legally married. He wont deny it either. It’s not a secret to anyone that knows them. Thats his ryde or die. She’s a good woman.
Me: Are they still together? Her “huzzband” is blatantly cheating on her with Mimi Faust.
JC: Nikko and Margo are not really together anymore. But they’re still married and will always be great friends.Me: So how did Mimi come into this?
JC: The situation between Nikko and Mimi is real. She really loves dude. However, a person can only love but so much when being consistently played for a fool.
Me: Well we can see that every season on this show…
JC: I told him to realize what he was doing before it caught up to him. Once I got to know Mimi, I realized she was a good woman who tends to get involved with guys who don’t keep her best interest in mind.
Me: So how did Nikko become this “person” we see today? Well, this “character” rather?
JC: Nikko had this idea in his head that everyone was plotting against him. He figured he needed to become “the villain”. in order to stay relevant. Those are his own words. So he manifested exactly what he wanted. Only thing is, I got caught in the crossfire because we were working on the musical project together.
Me: Well he definitely reads the law of attraction…
JC: Lol yes, he actually does. He’s very calculated, but his execution is subpar.
Me: So do you regret that “NY to LA” song?
JC: I don’t regret it at all. The song is dope and the video isn’t that bad. My performance had energy. It was supposed to be a spoof of the “rapper” lifestyle. If Nikko wasn’t so obviously thirsty for fame, and K. Michelle liked him, she would’ve came out and said this video is dope! We would have been having a different conversation right now. The energy wasn’t right from the beginning, so God saw to it that the song/video/project never got off the ground. From the show, it appeared that Nikko was the lead and I just followed, but it was the total opposite.
Me: Now speaking of K. Michelle, we need to get into her slandering your entire life with that “roommate/gay” talk. Did you guys really live together?
JC: So Nikko had the relationship with Mimi, however it was my money and connects that allowed us to move down to Atlanta at the spur of a moment so he could appear on the show. We lived/had a penthouse in Atlantic Station. Everyone knows the area and knows how expensive it is to live there. I didn’t want to, however, he felt he needed to front for Mimi so we had to have a plush living space. Of course it just made more sense financially to get a 2 bedroom, but when she says “roommates”, understand it was only temporary.
Me: I’m glad you cleared that up because everyone was getting the wrong idea when she insinuated “roommate”.
JC: And I can 100% say she wasn’t living as good as we were. However, I have no hard feelings. Whats done is done. She played her role well. And she’s never been the classiest woman. So what were we to expect?Me: Well damn… Shots fired. So she can’t go in typical Instagram fashion and refute what you are saying?
JC: It’s the truth and anyone involved can testify to that. Frank Ski was our neighbor. He had the corner penthouse with a wrap around balcony. We lived directly across the street from Yardhouse and the AMC theatre. Everyone in ATL knows that it’s an elite area to live in.
Me: Oh that sounds nice!
JC: You cant even be on the premises after a certain time if you don’t live there. I don’t say it to brag, I just want to explain how TV can brainwash people into believing things that aren’t true. Regardless of what people want to believe, I was the mastermind and financier behind Nikko being on the show. He still owes me money. 15K to be exact.
JC: I paid for the NY2LA video. His sister Rashida, another great intelligent young black woman, found the private airport and set that up. My best friend owns a bunch of exotic vehicles so I had them to my disposal. Thats where we got the Audi R8 and the limited edition Mercedes 550.
Me: Well hot damn Johnny!
JC: I’m giving details not for bragging rights, but so people understand the smoke and mirrors behind the game.
Me: So now that you spoke your truth, what do you want the audience to learn about you?
JC: I only had a couple appearances, but with this last one I want them to see me, and at least hear that I am intelligent and my own man. Not a follower or leech. Its entertainment and VH1 has to get there ratings so they’re going for the drama. Hopefully they kept enough of my scenes intact so people understand my side of the story. The “Real” side.
Me: I saw that you had a couple videos and trying to get into the music thing… then you vanished. What happened?
JC: I kinda retired the “Johnny Crome” character a few months back, but I wanted to close this chapter the right way. I don’t even know if there is a “wrong” or “right” way, but I wanted to at least speak and tell my side of the story. I’m sure one day in the future we’ll be able to look back and laugh at it, but probably no time soon.
Me: So what will you go as since “Johnny Crome” is over?
JC: My birth name. Just gonna keep it simple.
Me: Will you be using that in your music career?
JC: I will but probably not as a solo artist. I signed a major publishing deal as a songwriter/producer a few years ago. So I will focus solely on that as far as music is concerned. I had decided I was done with anything “Johnny Crome” and “Love and Hip Hop” related. However I had to come back to finish what I started.
Me: So whats next?
JC: This is definitely the end though. I have some other things going on, but as far as this is concerned, everything is coming down. By the time you release this interview, there wont be a Johnny Crome twitter, or anything else for that matter. I’m gonna leave things as they are and whats left out there is all there ever will be.
Me: You have a pretty solid following. You sure you just want to end things just like that?
JC: We all have different reasons why we do the things we do. My main objective was never for fame, fans, followers, or money. Don’t get me wrong, all that is great, but I’m a rebel. And I always just wanted to do something dope.
…and there you have it.well i’m glad he was able to speak his truth and clear up silly rumors.
thanks for the interview johnny!
much success on your future endeavors!
Loved the interview with Johnny ..he told the truth..and that’s what was needed.
K Michelle doesn’t have a right to tell nobody’s truth..but her own ..she’s dealing with her own heart break ..and everybody can see it. I just wonder if maybe she was in a situation where she loved someone and he turned out to be gay..!
seen him in WeHo out here in LA – dating a snowflake.
Great interview. I don’t really follow the show but the interview was great. Johnny is a hot cup of soup
^thanks ke and everyone who checked out the interview.
it means a lot!
I just watched the episode from last night. I am kinda growing tired of this shit if I must say. Ariane, Erica, Rasheeda, and Tammy are the only ones on the show with sense. Nikko used Mimi as a pawn in his scheme. Basically she was exploited for a piece of change, and what made matters worse was that she agreed to shoot more footage so the tape would sell. What about her daughter? Mimi doesn’t need the money does she? I thought she owned a cleaning business, and plus she gets paid for the show. Money is the root of all evil, and no one can tell me otherwise man.
Good interview man.
K is a evil chick I don’t like nor can I stand her she is one black female I don’t care for. She started that mess when all she had to do was addressees thoughts in front of those involved behind the camera. Instead she wanted to blast this man when she barely knows him. All her music is centered on being hurt she just another Keyshia (she has the same qualities) in my opinion. What kills me is these same women cape when men of other races have these same qualities but stay shouting he ain’t dl. J where have they been for the past years. Lol I just wanted to vent here as the dl thread was loaded with comments. I did not think he was at all although he confirmed what already knew about the show. Great interview btw
Wow great interview, its something really sincere about the artist known as Johnny Chrome, I Believe him 100 percent. He is drop dead gorgeous but he never comes off like an attention whore. I follow him or I guess now- use to follow him on IG and he was so down to earth and cool and gave great fitness advice. He has the body to be a IG star but he almost seems like he shuns the spotlight. From this interview, he seems to have been a good dude who got burned by the Ratchets who put fame above everything else. I am glad he didnt turn into a Homophobic asshole when tired ass K. Michelle tried to roast him over an open flame by attacking his sexuality. Its so funny as fine and good looking as he his, I never once picked up a gay vibe about him. I wish him nothing but the best in whatever he does.
I guess K. Michelle was pissed he wouldn’t give her give her no play.Because she did know Nikko & Johnny being room-mates. And Mimi saying to K. she never been at their apart. But how would she know that they were room-mates ?
Nice job on the interview and very informative.
I never realized how much people on reality shows stunt. I remember that guy who is married to that surgical mess from the Hills Heidi Montag admitted that he bought(or maybe it was rented) a big expensive monster truck just so he could stunt for one episode of the Hills, Laguna Beach, whichever one it was. He was revealing all this because he was showing the America false their reality actually was because even though he and the other cast members were touted as the rich elite of California, him and his wife are broke now. That was a couple of years ago so maybe they bounced back.
I also found out that apparently Mimi’s cleaning business was on it’s last leg when we saw her cleaning that mansion in the previous season. I guess that explains why she kept saying she was trying to secure her daughter’s future by doing the porn with Nikko. I assumed her cleaning business was a successful venture because she kept saying she had so many celebrity clients.
I’m glad he kept it real. I also agree with Malcolm. I wouldn’t kick Johnny and Nikko outta my bed tho I would make Nikko wear a bag over his face.
i want him and Nikko together in my bed…lol but i believe him he seems sincere…Jamari i love your scoops…you go boy (in my gina voice)
^thank you malcolm!!!!
more to come!!!
You want Nikko? Nah, he belongs in the gutter. Johnny does seems sincere and he doesn’t crave a lot of attention man. I’d put a hurting on that ass if he’d let me lol.
Wow! Get me a towel because the tea has been spilled everywhere!
^he def went in.
the foxhole got a nice treat with this.