I must be a magnet for Foxes.
And the feminine ones at that.
I don’t get it.
Shit, I should be happy no one addresses me with “Guhl” and “Bitch”.
But I am really starting to think I intimidate Wolves.

Can I get a free pass of Wolves hitting on me day?!?!?

I was laying here watching some episodes of BET College Hill on Hulu when I got a text from a number not saved in my phone.

“Hi Hi Hi Jamari Fox!”“Who the hell is this??”
“Is that how you answer people in texts Jamari?”

I was not in the mood to play, “Guess Who I Am?

After a couple texts, they revealed to me that it was a Fox I met once through a Vixen I just met recently.
He told me he went through her phone and found my number.
He apologized, but he heard about my woes and wanted to talk to me about “my old job”.
I guess….
So being nice, I started texting him what went down and we were having a conversation.
Things were going smooth.
He was throwing a few scriptures here and there and it seemed like he was putting hands on my phone….
Then, WHOOP:

“Jamari let me ask you something and no need to be offended…
Would you ever get with a dude?


“Yeah I like them old, wrinkled, dead, and on paper.”

I played it off with a joke, but I deleted his reply of: “Lol you so silly boo!”.

Who the fuck do you think you are?
First, you steal my number out her phone.
Then, you lower my defenses and try to take advantage of me?
And funny enough, when I met him, he was acting real standoffish and had a slight attitude.
I was like FUCK HIM… but I killed him with kindness.
As Vain would say, “he is a cute girl but I like men.”
He is now on my SHAT list.Ā 

Even if that was a Wolf who sent me that message,
I would still be offended.
That was some dehydrated bullshit.
I am flattered but that really pissed me off.
I am glad all men find me attractive…
..but clearly not the men I want!
It is always the same story.

I need to figure out why I am attracting more bold submissive Foxes.
I am sure Wolves find me fine as shit, but they not taking the bait.



  1. Ronnie :
    I agree Jay and he late and wrong lmao. Im going to need for Courageous to do his homework before he attempts to school someone! Nothing like a teacher who dont know what theyre talking about. Class dismissed!

    You tell’em Ronnie. Nice to see get a lil attitude in you.

  2. I wanted to take the opportunity, before I finally leave this self-hating and homophobic site, to express my frustration and disappointment with you, your readers, and those like you. Day in and day out, you speak so very highly of masculine gay and DL men, and their ability to hide their sexual orientation from those around them. You degrade effeminate men, going so far as to say Brandon White deserved his vicious attack for simply possessing evidence that men who had *willingly* slept with him were attracted to men. You post photos of seemingly heterosexual men, while virtually laughing (and inviting your readers to laugh) at young men and boys who exhibit feminine attire or tendencies. And even here, in your most recent post, you demean a man who made the oh-so-terrible mistake of asking you to identify your sexual orientation.

    Do you know why you constantly find yourself in this predicament? Do you know why you write post, after post, after post, about your loneliness? Because you are a self-loathing coward, and because you deserve it. You, and those like you, perpetuate myths about black masculinity. You, and those like you, invite attacks (whether verbal or physical) on those that don’t meet strict and altogether ridiculous standards for who qualifies as a man. You, and those like you, accuse feminine men of being the “pussies” and the “bitches” when, in reality, these men have more courage in the tips of their fingers than you do in your entire body.

    I am a 25-year-old openly gay black man. I attend Harvard Law School. I am in a committed, healthy relationship with a college-educated and employed black man, who is also openly gay. We may not be the spitting image of the tatted men you idolize on this site. Hell, we probably wouldn’t even meet your insane standards for masculinity. But we’re incredibly happy, in no small part because we live open and honest lives. You, with your lies, your deceit, and your hate (what else would you call not sharing your sexuality, and demeaning those who do?) are entitled to one thing alone. What your entire website is a testament to: hopelessness.

    1. Damn someone’s heated!

      You know, I read this comment several time and thought “Are we that bad?”.

      I can’t remember one instance where we referred to out or feminine men as “pussies” or “bitches”. That’s not even the vernacular of anyone on here.
      Someone feel free to prove me wrong.

      I don’t even think anyone who posts on here is a hardcore D.L. ninja either. So who’s doing the lying and deceiving?

      Sounds like he is faulting Jamari for wanting a masculine dude?

      I know plenty of out, feminine men who want nothing to do with any men that share their feminine qualities..

      Does that make them self-hating as well?

      Or is he mad because the dudes in the pictures we comment on everyday look nothing like him?

      I think that’s really what it is.

      1. I agree Jay and he late and wrong lmao. Im going to need for Courageous to do his homework before he attempts to school someone! Nothing like a teacher who dont know what theyre talking about. Class dismissed!

      2. I’m glad someone said something, I was going to leave it alone but I can’t. First off, I don’t think Jamari or any other of the commenters on here hate themselves. I’m a happy downlow dude and I love myself the way I am. When us downlow men talk about fems, some people want to make it seem like we’re villians, but when fems talk about us it’s ok. I personally dislike fem.(dislike,not hate) dudes because most of them are messy and they’re always talking shit about us downlow brothas in a negative way just because we’re closted. Everybody is not in a situation where they are able to come out the closet and you know that so don’t front. I don’t think we ever said that feminine men were pussies and bitches and aren’t men because they’re feminine. Don’t get mad with us just because we love masculine men and we want to wake up to a man with a nice deep voice first thing in the morning. I know Jamari is man enough to speak for himself, but he’s only lonely because he’s looking for a certain type of man. In other words, he has a preference like most of us do, we’re humans. He has wrote many post about how men stare him down and basically undress him with his eyes. If you can’t stand the heat get out of the kitchen, it’s that simple. Nobody is forcing you to some to this site. That pisses me off, people come to a site for months and then they have the nerve to complain, nobody is going to change for you. SMH

  3. Yep, Fox brother was confused by your stance.

    Still, stealing your number of his girl’s phone and sending you mystery texts is a bunch of faggotry. If he was a real man (gay or not) he would have called you and come correct and not played that mystery texter shit.

    I recently went through the same shit myself.


    and http://dlconfessionssequel.wordpress.com/2012/01/29/the-cellphone-stalker-revealed/

    Glad you let guy down easy and kept your shit private. Class act on your part.

    Take care


    P.S. My dude and I are coming to NYC on business March 17, 18 and maybe 19. Let me know if we can take you to dinner or sometihng.

  4. If I think you’re a wolf, I probably wouldn’t holla; in addition to the fact that I’m not the ‘hollering’ type. I’m no more masculine (or fem) than the average guy, but I’m low-key & keep to myself, so no one suspects. Even the gay dudes think on my job think I’m straight lol. Maybe that’s it.

    I try not to make assumptions based on body appearance, because I’ve smashed some muscle-bound foxes/hybrids…and I’m more on the lean side, so there you go.

  5. Yes Jamari. I hate that shit. Hate it, hate it, hate it.
    As my friend told me though, “You carry yourself like a wolf. It’s kind of hard to tell if you are or aren’t.That’s what attracts foxes to you and intimidates wolves from approaching you.”
    Maybe that’s your problem too.

  6. JAY :
    Must be frustrating. Lol!
    I donā€™t think youā€™d be as pissed if a wolf went through all that trouble though.
    How many wolves would get your number from someone elseā€™s phone, text you with any other greeting besides ā€œwassupā€, and actually take an interest in what youā€™re going through with no intentions of fucking?

    Excellent point, Jay.

    Because had the wolf been attractive, Jamari would’ve been flattered, lol.

  7. #whoisjamarifox :
    ^iā€™m not gonna sit here and act like iā€™m the most masculine fox on earth.
    iā€™m not.
    iā€™m just meā€¦ but, i think i may have an intimidating presence.
    shit, i dunno.

    How masculine are you? Compare yourself to a celebrity so we can get a clue because something is up.

      1. In interviews Kanye is as masculine as the average man. I don’t know what it could be about you. Maybe you are intimidating to wolves. I stated earlier that maybe you’re ”too nice and humble” to the the point where people are looking at you and saying; ”I know he wouldn’t go for that.” I do that sometimes with guys.

        1. ^that maybe it.
          hopefully i’ll have a breakthrough soon.
          i spoke it into existence so god will supply me with a solution.

          plus, when i read comments, it allows me to change things for the better.
          so, keep up the good work boys.

  8. Lol Jamari we have to go fox hunting someday.
    You can be my wing wolf.
    Separate the bitter fox from his fine friend for me.

  9. I have to wonder if Devin or Victor or even Corey saw me on the street,
    would they pass me by and assume I was a Wolf?
    Would I lose them to someone else more feminine?

    Because THIS is fucking ridiculous.

    1. They probably would think you were cute, but since your really masculine, they probably would think you’re a wolf. Just keep being yourself Jamari, a bold wolf will step up to the plate.

      1. ^i’m not gonna sit here and act like i’m the most masculine fox on earth.
        i’m not.
        i’m just me… but, i think i may have an intimidating presence.
        shit, i dunno.


    2. They would pass you by. But for appearances sake, they would not even think about approaching a fem dude on the street. Or even have their wing man do it for that matter.

  10. Idk what to say bout this lol ive had a hybrid get at me one time but I thought he was a wolf cause he was muscular and masculine. Went to his place thinking I was going to get some dick, i ended up hitting it from the back and letting him ride me.

    1. ^that is probably a bigger nightmare lol
      i would be so VEX to know I come back from using his bathroom and he got his butt cheeks up in the sky like:

      “baby cum on in.
      the water is fine”

  11. #whoisjamarifox :
    ^but Iā€™m not running around here,
    playing basketball and scoring touchdowns.
    I am real low key with it.
    either way, i should be attract wolves dammit!

    I think a lot of wolves like fem. dudes on the low, I could be wrong. Honestly, I like dudes who are masculine, but I always have a different taste than most people.

      1. I think you’re like me. Dudes don’t think that we get down because of our personality. Even though you’re a fox and I’m a wolf, we’re both nice and humble guys. Dudes might not think we get down because we are nice. They think to themselves, ” oh he wouldn’t go for that, he’s too nice and humble.” Maybe that’s why that fox asked you would you get down with another dude beacuse he wasn’t sure. Don’t let me get in your head Jamari, I’m not sure.

        1. ^that is what Ive been told.
          It is frustrating, ya know.
          I spoke about this on here before.
          My ex co-worker told me recently that some dudes asked her if I got down.
          She didn’t know how I rolled so she never brought it to my attention and she told them she doesn’t know.
          She wont tell me because that is “outing” them but she said they were not feminine and she was wondering why they were asking.

  12. Must be frustrating. Lol!

    I don’t think you’d be as pissed if a wolf went through all that trouble though.

    How many wolves would get your number from someone else’s phone, text you with any other greeting besides “wassup”, and actually take an interest in what you’re going through with no intentions of fucking?

      1. This is interesting though because usually foxes can spot other foxes very easily so if you’re still getting approached by them maybe you’re giving serious wolf vibes.

        Some lip gloss and arched eyebrows should scare them off. LMAO!

      2. LOL that’s funny. Aww Jamari he was thinking about you and wanted to talk to you, so he went through a vixen’s phone to get your num., how sweet. LOL. I don’t kow why you attract other foxes Jamari. You’re really masculine so that’s why you attract foxes, they think you’re a wolf. LOL

        1. ^but I’m not running around here,
          playing basketball and scoring touchdowns.
          I am real low key with it.
          either way, i should be attract wolves dammit!

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