when i keep seeing something over and over on my radar,
it is meant for me to pay attention to it.
it’s like The Universe is kindly saying:
pineapple bish,
I’m talking to YOU.”
.i saw the poster for “this place rules” on hbo max everywhere.
the premise was everything that led up to ( x january 6th, 2021 ).
the day we all lowkey thought the united forest was coming to an end.
andrew callaghan,
a journalist,
went to every trump rally before that fateful day.
he interviewed alex jones,
the proud boys,
and various people from both sides.
so last night,
before bed,
i watched it and…
I thought I was gonna have nightmares.
That wasn’t a documentary.
That was a horror movie.
it taught me a few things tho:
There is a reason why mental health will always be stigmatized.
It helps certain agendas by keeping legit crazy psychopaths in power.
They help stir up the crazy in others.
Many of these folks in power are guilty of their own accusations of others.
We have given platforms to hyenas and jackals that we can’t reel in.
They have achieved so much power and followers that won’t go anywhere.
I love a good conspiracy but when it starts sounding nutty,
you can count me out.
Misinformation sells.
They riled up these folks with choice words and phrases to do their dirty work and as soon as it went left,
they peaced TF out on them muthafuckas who all got arrested.
I was confused by the lack of ninja stealth with some of these folks.
Their faces were wide open and in full HD.
They didn’t have a plan when they stormed the Capitol.
Poor people and the “unaccepted ones” are the easiest to manipulate.
People seem to know who are pedophiles in politics but don’t know how to spot when their own friends and family are the real enemies.
Did I mention the number of crazy people out here?
this is why the pandemic did more harm than good.
people were keeping their insanity in check with distractions.
as soon as they were forced to sit down,
their craziness came flying tf out.
when other crazies came out as well,
it was easy for many of them to band together to make “fetch” happen.
I think everyone should watch that horror movie.
i think we might be doomed.
This ongoing pandemic did what it supposed to do, Jamar. It exposed the craziness and evil of some people. I want to know who is what and what is who related to their wickedness. I’m glad for it because evil is always trying to hide yet commit its wicked acts.
From the onset of Trump’s ascendancy, the projection game began. Those who are Socialists and Communist’s started to tag the Democrat’s as being thus. The media hopped in and Fox amplified all the buzz words:: repeatedly. I marvel that the Dem’s just tucked their tails in and accepted the verbal onslaught.
Fox news fuck boys, fuck girls and Congressman, Senator’s just flipped the script. Every thing they are, they projected on to the other side: racist, homophobes, xenophobes. People who shouldn’t have been near a White House or any house but the snake dens they live in are in power. If I had one HUGE hand to slap the FUCK out of all of em at once I would be overjoyed.
^its like they just allowed themselves to get run over trying to take the high road.
they can be very soft and if sucks