on a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you hate ser criston cole?

Ser Criston Cole from House of the Dragon might just be the most hated villain in the Game of Thrones universe.

…and the reason why is because he’s so damn relatable.
unlike joffrey,

and cersei,
who wore their bad behavior on their sleeves,
ser criston cole is someone we’ve all known


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i was ready to drag the last of us remake on hbo max and well…

when i first got my ps4 back in like 2016-ish,
it came exclusively with “the last of us“.
i didn’t know what i was walking into when i got the game tbh.
i heard good things and that it was scary.

It had me HOOKED and became one of my favorite games ever.

the opening of that game is probably the best intro of any video game.
as we grow up as millennials,
they are starting to remake our favorite shows and video games.
when i heard they were touching “the last of us” for tv,
i was like…

last night,
the premiere came on hbo max.
i was ready to go full drag-the-makers mode but…

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i watched “this place rules” and realized we are living in a horror movie

when i keep seeing something over and over on my radar,
it is meant for me to pay attention to it.
it’s like The Universe is kindly saying:

pineapple bish,
I’m talking to YOU.”

.i saw the poster for “this place rules” on hbo max everywhere.
the premise was everything that led up to ( x january 6th, 2021 ).



the day we all lowkey thought the united forest was coming to an end.
andrew callaghan,
a journalist,
went to every trump rally before that fateful day.
he interviewed alex jones,
the proud boys,
and various people from both sides.
so last night,
before bed,
i watched it and…

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so i watched barbarian last night and well… (help)

i watched this movie last night and i could not stop screaming.
my hand was to my mouth.
i covered my eyes at a point.
they “had” said on the social media forests:

Barbarian is the scariest horror movie they saw.

…and i was pumped.
you know i like a wild ride.

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so i watched house of the dragon on hbo max and well…

you know i was hesitant.
game of thrones was my everything until that last season.
i could have watched house of the dragon live last night but i waited.
i realllllly didn’t want to waste my time.
when i woke up this morning,
i went sniffing for reviews and everyone’s fingers were a gasp.

good reviews.”

i decided to skip a nap and watch the first episode on hbo max.
um and with heavy spoilers…..

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i’m still kinda sick today.
i can tell my body has been fighting off what’s going on.
this is totally my fault tho.

i be stupid.

so i made some bomb-ass chicken when i first got a jar of sour cream.
i got it like 2 or 3 weeks ago.
when i seasoned my chicken on sunday,
it said the best by date was a week ago.
i made a lot of things with sour cream around that time and felt fine.
the chicken was already seasoned before i saw the cover.
it was one of those moments i decided to take a chance.
i cooked the chicken on monday and…