Love this track, track, track, track, track, track…
Love that line, “you gon get some dick today…”
Oh really Big Sean?
How much?
I know this track is going to be making them SHOW THEY ASS in the club.
But it’s only us in here.
Perfect song for some hoeish twerkin. lol
Show us how it’s done, Jay 😉
Lmao! I only twerk in private with the door bolted. lol
“And bust this pussy open in the islands of wakikiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii”
I fuckin love nicki minaj.
Big Sean is fine. I didnt know he was short though? But that makes sense if hes close to nicki’s height.
Big Sean got some Ass, Ass, Ass…
Yes…he does have some cake-age going on…lovely. I’ll throw his lil short azz over my shoulder & carry him off
I’m surprised:
1) how much I like this track
2) how cute Big Sean is to me…
they say skinny boys have the big joints – you should find out J lolol
^Big Sean is cute to me too.
You know I am willing to ride that mini bumper car.
He is like OD short.
Like, fire hydrant same size short.