i would look angry too if i looked foolish.
okay so gather around because this scandal got really…
so remember yusaf mack?
he is the pineapple,
yes he is on “pineapple status” now,
who claimed he was drugged into doing a porn scene.
well his trail of fuckery,
as well as his twitter favorites,
ended up making him look like a liar.
a dumb one who went to the damn news.
after all that drama,
he finally released a statement today.
this is what he had to say…
“This is an issued public apology from my heart. I want to address a few situations with the first being the false claims I made about being drugged during the Dog Pound adult film. I have never spoke negatively about the company that produced the film although the claim to have been given a drug by someone during set was a lie. I was completely aware and fully conscious during the film.
The second situation, which further explain the first, concerns my lifestyle. I did participate in the adult film because at the time I needed money but also because I am a bisexual man. Meaning I enjoy safely being intimate with whomever I choose.
Lastly I would like to address the reason I lied. My life was completely destroyed once it had been outed that I participated in a gay film. I selfishly tried to cover the truth and remain in denial, rather than accept the fact that I was leading a double life secretly.
After reflecting on the mess I had made I realized that I hurt a lot of my loved ones and the people, my fam and fans, I cared about the most were left disappointed and confused. It was unfair and time to come clean. I want to say sorry to my children and my ex fiancé, I am so sorry that I was a coward and hid a huge part of my life from you all. To the ones that were once my friends and now feel disgust, I’m sorry, but this is my life. I’m not looking for sympathy or even understanding, I’ve kept this secret for a long time. It is time to move forward and this is me walking in my truth.
There are other men and women that are set up in the similar situations and I just hope I can be inspiration to be just be you. The extreme taboo and harsh criticism of living a same sex lifestyle, especially as an African American male, makes it hard to be completely honest and comfortable within yourself. But I had to remember that I am a champ & I can fight and will fight through this. I am more than my sexual orientation. To all of my supporters I thank you dearly. For all other media outlets please contact my consultant Anthony Cherry.”
why do i not believe he wrote that?
can we get on that consultant?
anthony cherry has a laundry list of titles.
he is a:
i know.
not even a word,
but whatever.
i guess he is all he could afford?
to also add more to this sinking ship,
he went to tmz and this happened:
…and with one tooth missing to boot.
he is on drugs?
my foxy senses are telling me “crackhead in development”.
so he can’t talk about anything because its a legal matter,
…but he wants us to read about it in a book?
is he is going to write a book on how he lied?
how he is had 10 cubs,
by different vixens,
and still managed to live an alternative lifestyle?
or how he learned to suck two pipes at once?
i’m still on that part.
i know.
i’m so done with this story.
well unless he does some other dumb shit.
his new “team” about to have him looking real crazy out here.
….or is it too late?
Why do people call being gay/bi a lifestyle? Since when was your sexual orientation a “lifestyle”? It’s part of who you are, not a lifestyle. I’ve never seen a hetero person describe their sexual orientation as a lifestyle. It just sounds absurd.
It’s because people think gay/bi is all about about sex. Notice when people bitch about LGBT people, they want to discuss the intercourse (mostly to try to create a reaction), even though most gays/bis rarely if ever explicitly discuss that openly.
Tajan, bravo for your sentiments. I’m happy that Yusaf Mack finally came out as bisexual. I applaud that. On the other hand, his gofundme campaign (https://www.gofundme.com/am86uwq8) is laughable.
He now has an ex-finace but 10 kids and 3 grandchildren. I wish him the best but at 35 he must do the work to make his life better. If he wants things to change for himself, then he must change.
Even though I know he probably did not write that statement, when I read it, it made me feel some kind of way for him. At some point someone who looks like you has made you feel shame and disgust about your life as a gay person and it is very hard to live your life in an already hard world as a Black man so he is no different from many of us who hide in the shadows not really living an open life. After seeing that video from TMZ, I feel sorry for this brother because the media is just going to exploit and drag him even further for a scandalous byline that will bring in ratings and he is not sophisticated enough to see what is happening. A part of me thinks a big burden has been lifted off of his shoulders and maybe he can really live his life.
I had a situation this weekend where I was outed at a Halloween party of all places when this str8 dude I am an acquaintance with was at a party with his wife who I didn’t know was a friend of my homie who threw the party, it is a small world. When I tell you, my face hit the floor, he was cool, but even though it shouldn’t matter I was uncomfortable with him being there knowing I put on this str8 persona when ever I am around him, I think he was a little shock to see me as I was him but he didnt really say anything. Many of us still live in the shadow not being comfortable in our own skin. I could not have a good time because I was worried about somebody who does not pay my bills and not have any say in my survival, but I let him have the power over me. I realize at that moment, that the facade you put up to the world wont hide you really are at the end of the day. The collective Black community has played a number on our heads. A close friend of mine told me his mother approach him about his lifestyle last week and she was open and wanted to have a open conversation, but he said he shut it down, and I totally felt where he was coming from. When you live this double life for so long it hard to be open and free and face the harsh light of society’s judgement. Black men have a hard cross to bear in this world and being gay makes it that much more harder. I can see a little bit of Yusuf in me and even though I have laughed and shook my head at this dude, I still feel for him knowing I wouldn’t know how to handle the gay spotlight if I was suddenly thrust into it without warning like he was. I wish I could tell him that Bro, you are not by yourself, many of us are living with this same struggle of who we really are. I hope some strong Brothers offer him some support.
Man, Same here Tajan. I wanna laugh. I wanna clown this dude. But that statement was real. Also made me sad. I know the struggle. Whether he wrote it or not is not really relevant in my opinion. I’m confident it expresses how he really feels. That story he made up was his attempt (albeit messy) to clean everything up.
Hope this brother finds the help and support he needs.
His statement was exactly what I was talking about in the post about him, so I don’t need to say anymore on the topic other than the fact that if we continue to live in a world like this, there will continue to be many Yusaf Mack’s. How is this beneficial? If this alone doesn’t tell you that there are quite a few things wrong with this “system” we live in, then I don’t know what will.
It was a good thing for him that he came clean at this point. Might as well. You’re in a gay porno. Its pretty hard defend that even IF you’re straight. It’s one thing to explain it and understand it for yourself, but explaining it to the masses and getting them to understand is a tall order. Just be honest when shit comes out like this, or just don’t do gay porn if you want to remain discreet. All the best to him though.
S/N: What’s the point of doing any sort of interview/press when all you’re going to say at the topic at hand is: ” I can’t speak on it right now” just don’t do press? lol
His consultant has made him a Gofundme page requesting donations to start an Organization to work with kids.
I didn’t see your donation Dee Jay
Ikr, I will make a donation by the end of this week.
With $0 as I write this. Sad
dude sorry, but I’m still waiting on the single I help fund for TLC
I’m confused when was this TMZ video filmed ,last week? Because he admitted the story was a lie in the statement.He wasn’t drugged.
When I was watching the video I could tell her wasn’t all there, it was in the way he spoke. I thought the story was funny at first but now I feel bad. I feel like there are so many others living a life just like this and afraid to be themselves because of their sexuality. It’s unfortunate.
Yes, I agree with you King! I just watch the “Out in Hip Hop” series and how black down low men are wearing a mask. It reminded me of a quote from Lauren Hill,” Now everybody wears a mask, but how long will it last”. At the same time I’m mad he wants to blame us for putting sugar in his tank but I am glad he will serve as a poster child for the undercover brotha in denial.
“I CAN’T SPEAK ON IT” … no you can’t eat on it! BRUH go buy a top row of dentures.
Witty write up Jamari – kudos! I’m still laughing at “inspirationalist.” We gay men can be so creative! I’m glad he came clean.
I had hopes this brother could aim higher until:
– He agreed to go on TMZ, a gossip site, instead of a legitimate news outlet.
– I read his heartfelt statement and got irked by the grammar mistakes. Even if he didn’t write it doesn’t he have one friend who passed 10th grade English?
– His counselor is a hairdresser. They must be fucking…
– He opened his mouth and there was no tooth. Matter of fact he looks like he aged 20 years since that porn shoot. I hope it’s not drugs.
I forgive him the lie. We all fall down. I just hope he overcomes these first impressions because they aren’t good.
^i said the same exact thing at these parts:
His counselor is a hairdresser. They must be fucking…
He opened his mouth and there was no tooth. Matter of fact he looks like he aged 20 years since that porn shoot. I hope it’s not drugs.
the statement was one thing and then the video took him right back to square one.
Yep that video took me to Bangladesh with a two-hour layover in Taiwan. It was a trip…I’m sending a prayer his way tonight.
If he wrote this, big ups to him. Glad he is living in his truth. I wish more people would be like him instead of lying repeatedly. People who know minimum information about this lifestyle should take note, this man has ten kids and he still sleeps with men.This disproves the theory that men who have multiple kids are straight. On top of that, he is not a stereotype either.
I feel so embarrassed for him rn like how you gonna be on TMZ with a missing tooth? How much does he make cause I’m pretty sure for one tooth doesn’t cost too much at the dentist.
Good he decided to come clean, because he was just embarrassing himself more and more.
On another note, after seeing that TMZ video he lost his sex appeal for me.
BRAVO. Someone spoke to someone and put some sense in their skull. LIVE YOUR TRUTH. No one will do it for you.
Dawgpound was not playing about suing his for slander and defamation. He seems to be off (slow) like many boxers. I actually feel sorry for him and feel as though he is being taken advantage of.
^yeah he nearly ruined that company.
something is off with him.
i feel this “new team” is about to ruin his life even further.
I understand why he lied, society doesn’t believe in male bisexuality and the fact that he needed the money. I’m glad he was able to express what’s he’s going through in that statement (even if he didn’t write it) I have a feeling the statement is how he really feels. I hope he gets his life on track and lives the way he wants to.
^my thing is…
how did he not think this would not come out?
Say it again, J!! How can you do porno and NOT think it’s going to come back on you?!
He had to have known how popular the site was amongst the black/latino gay/bi community. And I’m sure some messy ass queen was itching to drop the hints once they saw it was him.
I remember reading that King, who did a few videos on Dawgpound and Papithugz, was found out by his family and stopped doing porn after that.
Again…why go on a site that you will eventually be seen on?! They have better chances doing a homemade porno. LOL