how (not) to speak to your 13 year old gay kid

The following is reading MA
Trigger warning, Language

some people are baffled why folks remain in the closet.
some of our parents made us that way tbh.
with parents like the following demon

Why would a child feel comfortable living their truth?

a foxholer sent me the following videos and so i’m grossed out.
it was a she-jackal of a mother finding out her 13-year-old is gay

Continue reading “how (not) to speak to your 13 year old gay kid”

watch how joe budden checks a fool asking about his alleged bisexuality

two of my biggest fears growing up:

People looking at me when I walked into a room
People asking, assuming, or talking about me being gay

both things usually synergized with each other.
people have this obsession with others’ sexuality.
some are bold af too!
they’ll literally ask you if you’re gay in front of people.
don’t even pull you to the side to ask.
some do use it as a way to embarrass someone.

I hate when loudmouth gays do it.

even though joe budden has his problematic moments,
i enjoyed how he handled a jackal trying to embarrass him.
mark hoffa wanted joey to clarify his alleged bisexuality.
this is how he ended up checking mark hoffa…

Continue reading “watch how joe budden checks a fool asking about his alleged bisexuality”

stop dating while lonely with low self-esteem

when you reach a level of success,
whatever that looks like for you,
i feel you have to be very picky with who you let in your life.
i’m all for using the good lookin’ blow doll for a good time.

that is what they’re there for.

I have always had a problem with dating while lonely with low self-esteem.

once you had made something of yourself,
you shouldn’t be fuckin’ with low-hanging fruit because it’s easier.
think of it as a power dynamic

Continue reading “stop dating while lonely with low self-esteem”

who hurt YOU?

who were you before you got hurt?
who were you before you got molested by your uncle?
who were you before you were stabbed in the back by your “best friend”?
who were you before you got cheated on by the “love of your life”?
who were you before you got HIV by that hyena who said he was clean?
we all were “someone” before another someone or something changed us.
i was “someone” too…

Continue reading “who hurt YOU?”

is being harsh the only language black folks understand?

i don’t know about you,
or if i’m really late,
but i’ve noticed something within the black community.

Being harsh is the go-to method in trying to help “us”.

 disrespecting others in the community is what helps us learn the lesson.
that or bringing them down a notch if they want to do or be bigger.
have to whether we are straight,
or male,
it seems like this attitude of “ruin them will help them“.
its often disguised as:

“You need to hear the truth”
“I had to hurt your little feelings for you to get it.”

…but it’s a vulgar and dehumanizing way to do things.
it makes you wanna give up and fling yourself off a balcony.
it’s my turn to give the harsh truth then…

Continue reading “is being harsh the only language black folks understand?”


in my den,
i have seen many jackals males i know mourning kevin samuels.
what i’ve noticed about many of them…

They all have similar traits and energy.

they think their dicks are covered in platinum,
their dating lives are in shambles,
they are all stuntin’ for social media,
and they think they are a prize to be had.
not only that:

I have witnessed a majority of them disrespect a black woman(s)

so when i see the type of males that are sad about kevin’s passing…