most dl wolves have come out of pocket over my lips and eyes.
vixens usually want me to eat them out.
whole nother story.
they usually make a slick comment over my lips tho.
the thought of these lips bobbin up and down on their pipes >>>
the thought of my eyes looking up at them as i’m bobbin >>>
the dl literally jumps out of them.
they can’t control it.
well boosie made some interesting comments about zaya wade last week,
but then goes and says this about his son’s friend this week…
How Boosie talk about D. Wade kid sexual choices then do this? Lmao gtfoh
— Sazon Smitty (@SmittySav) February 24, 2020
he said he was gonna teach his son’s friend,
who i’m sure is underage,
how to eat pussy.
he gon’ say to this boy that he got a nice set of lips on him for a teenager.
that they “curl” and they “fluffy”.
he staring so hard at this child’s lips tho.
is anyone gonna call cps on this crazy man?
from getting some hoe to give oral sex for his 13 year old to then ^that nonsense.
why is someone’s child asking you to teach them how to eat pussy?
Isn’t that weird???
it would have all been so simple if boosie had shut tf up and mind him business.
everything he do now is gonna be enhanced xs 10.
if he ever gets outed in the future for the shit he was screamin’ about…
low-key: most males who are curious and uncomfortable have patterns.
as much as they run from it,
they still do shit to show their curiosity.
why was you watching hard enough to know this male was “fuckin the shit” out another?
starts @ 0:33:
“he’ll fuck the shit outta you”.
something is behind alla that.
Boosie is ignorant and hilarious at the sametime…..but this was straight up cringed. I’m sure he allows dudes to suck on him from time to time.
The “mens” were (and probably still are) sucking all on that dick. Nice lips? GTFOH, Boosie.
There are several studies that indicate people who are homophobic are in fact harboring gay desires ( Just google and you will find more. I know this guy who is a closeted, gay Middle Aged man who is a divorced grandfather who still dates women. He told me when he was a teenager he bullied classmates who appeared to be gay. He admits he did that because he was attracted to them. Boosie has some real issues. Being involved in the sexual development of his child and now his son’s friend shows he doesn’t have proper boundaries or understanding of child development. And his homophobia could be hiding the fact he is secretly attracted to men. Don’t be surprised if he gets caught sucking dick in an alley or messing with a transgender woman. We’ve seen that story play out before.
I kinda feel bad for him ..when he started going on about being a nasty mother fucker I got the feeling he was thinking about himself. Some places just breed bi and gay homophobes. My ex struggles with his sexuality and when I moved to his hometown I realized why. The black people here are proud homophobes. It’s common to hear poor black people here just talking trash about gay people. Growing up constantly hearing that in a racist city where whites cross the streets, and black talk about faggots and God, fucks some people up permanently.
This is beyond what I suspected. He is so obsessed with straightness he thinks boys need to be turned out by women as early as possible. Very disturbing.
Lil Boosie’s comments about DWade’s daughter Zaya came straight (pun intended) out of his own gender panic issues. The whole obsession with gender reassignment surgery, which Zaya may or may not be going through, was a sign of this. But these comments about his friend’s lips make me think he probably has fond memories of being b*tched out in prison and in unguarded moments can’t help himself from voicing those feelings. Keep him away from the teenagers, folks!
Some of these hard niggas long to be another hard nigga’s little spoon .
the way he kept describing the lips *red flags*
This is very strange and eyebrow-raising behavior…no grown-a** man should be THIS concerned with the sex lives of (male) minors. Hmmm…
Remember, he was a jailhouse bitch. So….
Now what did I tell you??…

…I knew it!…been there done them
He probably get turned on watching the boy and wanna see him. Thats lusting when you talking about his lips
I think his prison stint scarred him for life. No disrespect but please stop giving this nigga (Khia’s voice). “full,free,promotion)
^he is definitely a case study into homophobia that i’m interested when he cracks.
He’s a pedophile and he’s DL
^this is all so bizarre…