august alsina is a tattle tail?

i believe that unless i’m in a violent situation,
98% of relationship details should remain private in a break up.
even if you’re trying to ruin my reputation,
i’ve won just be being silent.
there is no reason that i should out someone if i cared and loved that person.
it makes no sense to me.
i think that’s why most males i’ve fallen out with at one point creep back into my life.

For me,
it’s always the good -> BYE.

i hurt,
and keep on moving forward.
they know i was good to them and i paid them absolute dust.
this is what puzzles me when it comes to august alsina

Why did he feel the need to kiss and tell?

was he being blacklisted?
did they put paws on him?
why is he suddenly outing his alleged past situation with jada pinkett-smith?
it’s not like he didn’t do it before in song either.


he is being a lot more open while jada has said nothing.
it’s similar to a gay jackal who outs the dl male because of how it ended.

jada claims she this is ( x not true ).
will smith ( x claims he never gave august anything ) called a blessing.
so i have to ask:

it would be some bs if this all turned out to be a lie on august end.
all i know if is if he allegedly loved her so much

Why is he revealing it now?

you gotta be careful with fuckin’ with those who are damaged.
you think your sex is bomb,
but couple that with an intense emotional fucking and mommy/daddy issues.
you never know how hooked someone can get off you.
the moment you cut them off,
they’ll be crying to anyone who will listen.
i don’t know what august end game is,
but i’m sure we will find out soon.





























10 thoughts on “august alsina is a tattle tail?

      1. She tweeted”There’s some healing that needs to happen so I’m bringing myself to The Reb Table.I thought she would discuss it because she doesn’t shy away from discussing personal stuff like drug addiction,porn addiction,etc.

  1. It’s actually shocking to me that people are shocked about August and Jada. It’s common knowledge that the Smith’s marriage is an open one and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. I feel like this would be a good opportunity for the Smiths to talk about different kinds of relationships and how those relationships work. Quiet as it’s kept Jada spilled the beans already on her red table talk show. Those episodes with Will are always very telling. They both seem checked out the marriage and I wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t even sleep in the same bed anymore. There was one episode where Jada, Will and Willow were talking and Jada pretty much said she regretted marrying Will. She had plans for her own life and the minute she married will those plans changed. I felt so bad for her.
    It’s my belief that the only reason they’re still together is because Will is terrified of divorce. It’s weird on the show will had this odd hangup about getting divorced. I did admire their stance on life partnership though. They’re in this life together forever.

  2. August just released an album and is putting out a documentary about the hardships he has faced growing up. I feel like he’s putting this info put to frame the context of where his head space is/was (admittedly haven’t listened to it 27 songs long) It’ll go nicely together with the doc to show where he came from when hada began mentoring him. Don’t know if it’s true or not but if it is then it’s him getting his whole story out there and sharing his heart and feelings. If not then it’s controversy promo. Honestly the only ones who know are them tho

  3. Jamari, what’s going on with that black football player who was outed. What’s his name? The last I recall is that he married “Becky” and then they divorced months later.

  4. i feel he’s telling the truth, and I also feel that he’s revealing everything because maybe someone tried him in a sense. I feel he was quiet before but now something has shifted. I just hope he doesn’t blacklisted because of this…but honestly i feel its the Superhero syndrome…it’s when someone shows you love and kindness after extreme trauma in your life and then you fall for them romantically. I feel this happened and it led to sex afterwards. I don’t feel she initially went after him to prey on him. They keep painting August as this victim incompetent and just lost but he’s a very strong person who’s endured alot however it doesnt remove the responsibility of accountability…my thing is why didnt we hear the full scoop before he was releasing an album? Lastly why are folks villainizing the Smiths for having open relationships when 90% of these folks willingly fuck people who run the streets and they have zero coins. I pray August sheds his trauma, releases all his pain and heals from all Trauma that hes endured

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