aaron hernandez and his confusing world of the ultra-masculine DL bisexual?

I’ve been hooked on American Sports Story about fallen baller-hyena,
Aaron Hernandez.

aaron is the perfect example of talent wasted.
it seems he wanted to be in the streets,
getting wrapped up in the wrong crowd,
all to prove that he is “the manz”.

in this docu-series,
they have been addressing aaron’s DL life

i’ve been seeing comments like:

“He could not have been gay.”

and it has caused me to ask myself

Why is it so hard to believe a wolf like Aaron Hernandez,
who was always fuckin’ pussy,
could have been bisexual too?

so i went down the rabbit hole of listening to his record jail conversations.
i spent a whole evening getting lost in these phone calls.
in many of them,
he dropped the “f” bomb and came off wild homophobic:

he also talked about his ultra-straightness as well:

they were talking about how big dick was in this one.

he sounds like many of the hood jackals i use to be around.
in these recordings,
he sounds JUST like this one jackal.
they have the same voice and tone just like aaron.
tbh Foxhole:

These kinds of attitudes and conversations always threw me off.

they were always laced with ultra-toxic masculinity and homophobia.
i know they use to call me the “f” bomb when my back was turned.
i think what always use to throw me off (and sometimes still does) is:

they were presenting themselves as this one believable thing.
When it was just us,
they were talking and treating me like I was a bitch they were trying to fuck/protect/control/own.

it was always so weird and confusing.

it seems like aaron might have been into his friend,

…but we’ll never know and if ryan is loyal,
he’ll never tell.

lowkey: as much as a hyena aaron was,
you can’t deny he was fine.

if all this didn’t happen,
i’m sure he’d be a professional breeder by now.

check out american sports story on: hulu
listen to all of aaron’s jail recordings: youtube

2 thoughts on “aaron hernandez and his confusing world of the ultra-masculine DL bisexual?

  1. I think it’s on Netflix but he had a doc that came out before this American Sports Story and BAYBEE…the Lipton was scolding. They even interviewed his alleged lover from back home that’s featured in the first few episodes

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