When You Are The Cocky Hyena In A Really Big Fuckin’ Forest

7908396_donald-trump-dogwhistles-scalia-death-conspiracy_225a4d05_mthey always say those who are the cockiest are the softest ones.
all that cockiness is usually a mask for something else.
well for newly elected “that title”,
donald trump,
i kinda expect him to be cocky at all times.
i expect him to be a presence when he walks in a room.
when he met with obama to talk transitioning into the white house today tho…

…he looked damn near terrified.


obama-smiling-and-laughinghis body language is very telling.
obama looked confident.
you could tell trump is thinking about resigning and retiring at the same time.
i guess he realized this is more than building walls and emails.
hillary would have had those kitten heels off and ready to get to business.
the meeting lasted longer because trump don’t know wtf he got himself into.
pence is probably going to run this whole presidential show.
that is the one we need to be worried about.

lowkey: i hollered when obama shut down the reporters questions.
that would have set off trump’s anxiety.
here is “that mail order bride” meeting michelle obama:


she probably needed a translator.
both of them.
i wonder if michelle called her out on that blatant plagiarism?

19 thoughts on “When You Are The Cocky Hyena In A Really Big Fuckin’ Forest

  1. I keep trying to tell people about Pence and how he is basically the antichrist but no one listens.

    Anyway, Donald is in over his head and he knows it. Even his youngest son knows this is fucked up. I feel kind of bad for the dude to be honest and I really think that he didnt think he would win. Thats why he was so absurd. He did eveything in his power to turn people off and it didnt work.

    Oh well this is the president that white america deserves.

    1. I bet he and Hillary planned this thinking he would piss people off so badly she would win. That explains how but hurt she was and the fact he didn’t have a plan. Unfortunately they awakened the sleeping dragon that is in the heart of the country…racism.

      1. @Tony…why would you put Hillary in that company?! I do not for one second believe that she conspired with him. This was his doing, and he’s fucked up royally. Lol

  2. I can’t even stomach watching videos with him in them. He just makes me sick.Whether or not you like Obama, it’s still a major down-grade to go from him to the chumps. It’s sad to see the Obama’s have to deal with this mess. Must be awkward as hell too. Ah well.

  3. Whenever black people make progress in this country… White rage comes out to set us back. Happened during reconstruction, black wall street, after the civil rights movement, and here we are….

    White people see black progress as a threat. It has always been this way.

  4. i don’t know about yall but him being in the Whitehouse literally makes me sick. i haven’t been able to sleep since Tuesday night. I can’t believe this is happening.

    I’m also not naive. This is America. History shows that this came right on time. smh.

    1. Me neither… my very being has become uneasy. If you notice people out in public they are really tense and bewildered. The anger is REAL but people didn’t vote so thus is what you get. I’m trying to be optimistic so here goes nothing. *sighs*

  5. Where is the time machine letting us jump four years into the future?

    I think another reason why the Obamas look so happy is because they are ready to go. It’s been 8 years and while we have definitely had our ups I know it was draining for them. If they think Obama gain a few grey hairs because of this stressful job I can’t wait to see how Trump starts looking after a year at it ( since white people tend to age faster physically and he already looks a mess)

      1. I’m going to remain hopeful, can’t let anyone take that away from me . If my grandparents could survive America back in the day during those times I can survive this.

  6. DT knew who had the biggest balls in the room. To be a fly on those walls. Barry potable told him that he still has control of the secret device and cia so he better act right until Jan 20.

    I hear DT thinks only minorities are on welfare and food stamps

    1. ^he thinks we are just good enough to count his money.
      his karma came when he saw this black wolf who has been running the country,
      along with his beautiful wife,
      for the last 2 terms and he is currently getting protested against.
      he will go down as the most hated in history.

      was it all worth it?

  7. “pence is probably going to run this whole presidential show.
    that is the one we need to be worried about.”

    You god damn right, Jamari. If Trump get his ass assinated or impeached and that one ascends?

    I’m going back in the closet and burying myself under some Express sweaters.

    1. ^he is the devil.
      he is the bigger enemy we need to watch out for.

      trump might be being used.
      once they are done with him,
      he will fall.
      this is about to be real entertaining.

      1. Jamari I’ve been saying this for the past 72 hours and no one seems to believe me. This man does not know what he’s doing. Running a business and an entire country are two completely different things. Pence, cabinet members, advisers, and the Republican Congress will use Trump as a proxy to push their agenda.

      2. No you are not alone at all. I once read a comment from someone from his state that said that when the ppl found out he was gonna be tapped for vp they were ecstatic because he wasn’t going to be governor anymore then fell silent because he can possibly become president. But his decisions and stances are pretty telling and there are many who are more fearful of him running the country than trump.

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