chrisean rock don’t want no feminine son since she gonna be mom and dad

why did chrisean rock decide have a child?
serious question.
i feel like some people think having a kid is cute on paper “until“.
she chose to keep the creamy filling for someone who didn’t want her!
she claims she doesn’t want her son to come out feminine

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zion wade is feminine, but his dad loves him

if my parents didn’t make me feel so horrible about myself,
i often how far i’d be in my life?
i’d imagine everything i do wouldn’t lead to what others would think of me.
they made me fear being gay or even have feminine tendencies.
my mother,
would say in her snarky tone
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shawn mendes is scared to have ya’ll think he’s gay

one thing that use to bother me was people thinking i was gay.
the fear stemmed from my parents being so judgmental.
i’ve fonted about it before.
they raised me to be “softer” and then hated how i came out.
one thing i had to realize tho…
when you put so much emphasis on not looking/acting gay,
you actually end up looking/acting gay.
i think that’s the dilemma shawn mendes is facing.
in the latest “rolling stone”,
where he happens to grace the cover

he spoke about his fears of people thinking he is gay.
something many of us can relate with.
this is what he said via “usa today”
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It’s Hurtful When You Call Prince Michael Gay

being a feminine male doesn’t mean you’re gay.
we can argue that,
but it’s truth for some.
look at our late prince.
he wore full make up and heels,
but would fuck your own mama in a heartbeat.
prince michael,
of “lhhmia” and south beach promoting fame,
seems to be in that same category.
he isn’t gay,
but folks want him to be.
when he made his debut on the show,
twitter was lit with questioning his sexuality.
every other tweet was slander.
he spoke about amara la negra and how emotional she gets in her story line.
he has felt the same,
but in a different way.
this is a quote i read from him in his interview with “the grio”
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Feminine Gays Are No Threat To The Enemy

…well i didn’t say it.
so i was randomly browsing twitter and came across the following tweet.
i had to share it with the foxhole…
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Black Males Are Becoming More Feminine? (T.I. Ponders)

you know t.i. like to show us how “smart” he is on social media.
he will open up his thesaurus and drop 10 dollar words in a rant.
well t.i. was up at 12 midnight the other night,
researching i’m sure,
and decided to en-lighting us with…


he posted it to his twitter and ig for thesaurus-like debates.
check it out…
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