Mr. Butt Cheeks, Jacob Kohinoor, Is Now Mrs. Butt Cheeks

screen-shot-2016-10-26-at-10-49-08-pmjacob kohinoor,
aka mr butt cheeks,
has another reality type show on youtube.

this time,
jacob is playing a vixen.
a few of them actually.
i don’t even…
just font.
well i guess his transformation is complete.
a f-bi sent me the following asapy.
  jacob is calling his new series,
“the house of shade”,
and this is the trailer


well tyler perry got his start in drag and became successful.

Will Jacob be following in the same blueprint as Tyler Perry?

i don’t think i’ll be tuning in,
but good luck to his new endeavors.

lowkey: he has emails and social medias for every character he plays:





just wow.
jacob seems to be fully embracing his inner “whatever he is doing”:

it’s imperative you find out who you are before you try and become a social media presence.

pictures/video taken: instagram

34 thoughts on “Mr. Butt Cheeks, Jacob Kohinoor, Is Now Mrs. Butt Cheeks

  1. I have zero idea what Jacob is doing, but I am not here for it. I am all for supporting people, but he has been very extreme as to the things he is up to now. I could not even make it through the entire video. SMH

  2. Great….but a special shout out to the few MASCULINE, gay, black men out there that are left, who have no desire to emulate women. I salute you. Stay true to who you are and keep your head up. That’s all I got bro….

    1. Y’all are fucking misogynistic as fuck and are really dumb to mot see how much unnecessary hate you’re feeding to society’s stereotype of toxic masculinity by ridiculing men who are proudly effeminate or androgynous

  3. @Christian: Yup! Ass is fat! Lol I was not buying his act on thugbait. I could tell someone had been up in that ass lol

  4. One more thing.

    Call me everything but a child of God, but I have zero, better yet -100000 desire to see gay/bi men in anything but porn and even that is tired as of late.

    These YouTube shows, chitlin’ circuit Indie movies, reality tv shows are lame and sappy or stereotypical.

      1. Sure! If your costars are Siren, Young Dash, and Blaque and the scene is an air mattress in a warehouse 😂😂😂😂😂😌

    1. I can agree with you about the quality about things related to gay/bi being absolute garbage thus far, except for maybe a few things, that i haven’t even watched. I personally would like to see something of substance featuring a gay/bi person and not have it focused on him/her being gay/bi. I would like to see some range, and actual talent. Until then, I’m good. These stereotypes and caricatures need to end.

  5. Smh gone are the days when you had to be creative and actually come up with jokes and tell funny stories and do impressions.

    These lames just put on a wig and act like a woman for likes. I knew shit got bad when George Hill put on a wig smh.

    Comedians like Martin had range. Yes Shanaeneh was funny but so were all his characters. Same with Eddie Murphy in his prime.

  6. Ok. I didn’t even watch the trailer. As soon as I saw him in drag, that was enough for me.
    Thanks, but no thanks.

    1. yeah, I didn’t watch it either… a bit too much for me. Judging by the comments, didn’t seem like we missed anything.

  7. what is going on here? Jacob done went to a way low plus I can’t take him seriously with these impersonations especially the one getting beat up. All I can do is laugh tho but he done lost me with whatever direction he pursuing.

  8. Serving: Discount Joanne the scammer. Broke Rupaul with the dehydrated weave. Trifling Nicki Minaj built ass clown who stayed too long at the rodeo. #PurgeItJesus

  9. No, no, no, no, no, no. There is so much I could say, but since it’s all
    so very negative I’d rather not say anything.

  10. I think I’ll stick to titi and Joanne on the gram then watch this. I’ve said it before his come up needs to be a butt video/ butt boot camp type of thing. I don’t see it for his as an Internet personality.

  11. I have seen a lot of videos on YouTube that have made me cringe, or weep, or just feel ashamed. But this….this is honestly the greatest level of second hand embarassment I’ve ever had. I couldn’t get through it without recoiling every 10 seconds as I realized just how bad this was. My God. I don’t think people realize. I’ve seen NO-effort films that had more redeeming qualities than this. What is this guys end game even?

  12. Can someone tell me who is the Patron Saint of “Fuckery” so that I can pray to them to turn that Iphone 7 Camera into dust he filmed this with. Has it really come to this, I have seen some made up shit on these Internets in my day but this takes the cake, candle and the damn frosting. I blame Joann-“The Scammer” Prada for this tomfoolery. When all else fails act like a stereotypical ratchet Black Woman because that is always guaranteed for a quick cheap laugh. This was wrong on so many levels and I am finding myself wishing Gay men like Tyler Perry and the many others who portray Black Women in such unfavorable lights, turn off the lights. I am tired of it and it has grown old and stale. Real women everywhere should say enough and stop supporting this fuckery. I am going to pass because this is some straight BULLSHIT right here.

    1. Yes! Co-sign. This is very disrespectful to women…black women in particular. I will say that Joanne is a more thought out character. There was very little thought put into this mess. Even Jacob’s non drag you-tube videos are bad. He should look into another line of work.

    2. Tajan, every.f**king.WORD! I am tired of seeing the same old stereotypical caricature of black women. It’s just so tired, and frankly, demeaning to our sisters. I really would like some of our sisters to also not perpetuate these stereotypes so we can bury them once and for ALL! The same can be said for the black man stereotypes. It’s just old. Time to grow and evolve!

  13. J! What the hell did I just watch??! I heard he was hintinv at doing drag , ( I heard him say it in a makeup tutorial vid he posted sometime back) but i was NOT expecting this!!!

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