mental homework (2)

I have been lurking through the discussions in the comments,
and I have been not only inspired, but slapped in the face.
Not in a bad way of course.

Keep it up.
You are helping everyone sharing your experiences, thoughts, disagreements…
This is what the Fox world is about.

This comment came from Joseph and I felt it was something we ALL need to read.

Continue reading “mental homework (2)”

The “Gay For Play” Straight Wolf

“What are you doing in Chicago?” – I asked.
“Chillin.” – He quickly replied.
“Who are you fucking out there?”
“Who is the Fox?”
“He is.”

… and this person is supposedly be straight.

Continue reading “The “Gay For Play” Straight Wolf”

mental homework (1)

I love when I write something,
and I get a comment that shifts my existence.
I swear, I have the smartest viewers in the whole blogging universe.
All important components to being a Fox or a Wolf.
But, I usually need the good word myself.
I go through things like everyone else and usually,
I have no one to talk to about these issues.

I got a comment from ICeeDedPpl that had me sitting in Hale and Hearty,
going well over my lunch break in just deep thought.

I consider these comments, “mental homework”.
Ever so often, I will throw up comments that touch me…
…and I know will touch you.

Read it below.

Continue reading “mental homework (1)”

1 is the UN-Loneliest Number

Going out alone has always been weird to me.

I am so use to finding someone else to tag along with to occupy time.
I always felt it meant you were a loner or banished by society.
Lately, I have been feeling unfulfilled with people in my life.
Tired of waiting for phone calls, waiting for late people to arrive, and tired of being alone even if I am out with a ton of people
(read between the lines of that last statement).

So, I made a desicion to go out and enjoy my life as a solo act.
Go out there, network, and find what I am looking for.

Pop the hood for what I discovered…

Continue reading “1 is the UN-Loneliest Number”

Welcome To The Concrete Forest


Today, I Went For An HIV Test And…

…well I didn’t go for a HIV test.
It kinda just sorta happened.


How many have my Foxes and Wolves have been tested… ever?

If you haven’t… EVER… then prepare for me to slap you as this story is NOT for you.
Me, on the other hand, ended up getting tested today.


Continue reading “Today, I Went For An HIV Test And…”