It is always interesting to see porno stars in their natural habitats.
but this right here…
You maybe in for a shocker…
I lost my hard on…
Is it wrong I thought Arquez would be a tad more… masculine?
Yeah, I was wrong.
It felt like when my parent’s told me Santa was not real.
I wanted an explanation, a bar graph, and to be held.
I knew once he took that dick in the last video I posted,
and was moaning like a bitch taking 20 dicks,
I just knew the gig was up.
… and then he has a pink bag to add insult to injury.
Besides all the other shit, why are they acting so common?
And typical gay?
I did not think Malo would be like this.
I really thought he would be different and be just a regular Fox.
Why is it always like this?
It is kinda dis heartening to know that no masculine dudes lurk behind those screens.
Hell, even on the scenes.
It is all “yesss hunty” and “oooh girl yes he did notz”.
No one that the rest of us can look up to.
You don’t have to be a lumber jack or the epitome of masculine BUT,
why is it cool to be a “guhl“?
Why does this have to be the standard?
There is nothing wrong with being a little soft or even having feminine tendencies,
but that whole Youtube video scream, “typical, gay, and messy”.
That is not a MAN, imo.
They come off as females.
Females being extra “loud” and as you can see, extra “catty”.
The first to out you and the last to respect you.
They all just seem angry and hurt and throw daggers that will ultimately come back to them.
It seems to be around your “type”, you have to be D/L and hiding in the damn bushes.
It is all tired and over done.
What happened to all the masculine?
Then we complain that people look at “us” and do not respect us.
Well, if they see “us” acting like “that” then that is what they will believe we ALL act like that.
I’m sorry but I’m not one of them.
I wouldn’t even know HOW to talk to them.
That is not my scene or style.
I personally think that is beneath me.
I want US who ain’t like THAT to be taken seriously.
So in other words: FUCK THEM.
It is all about US.
This Topic Is Ignorant! It Porn Man, Not Some Dating Field. There Are Just As Many Ratchet Feminine Men As Masculine & Conservative Men, But This Is Contradicting. To Say Fuck Em But Devote A Page To The Topic Is Ignorant. Porn Is A FANTASY Of Your Deepest Desire. Its Not Meant For Regular Life So When Its Taken So Seriously, It Fucks With Your Mind. Just Do You & You’ll Always Shine. You Shouldn’t Have To Down Anyone In The Gay Community!
I look at people like that as jokes. Im bisexual and if i feel today i want to be woth a dude i wanna be with a dude not a dude that runs around acting more like a girl than girls even act
It’s all smoke and mirrors….LOL
I feel you on Beyonce, but it’s the industry PERIOD. They are just a bunch of carbon copys of ‘legends’ before them. I love Beyonce but music these days SUCKS compared to my parents generation and so on. Hell give me back 90s music! I hate when Beyonce does interviews…the same ‘I’ve been singing since I was 9 shit..’
There are positive role models out there but there aren’t enough and the kids aint check for that kind of stuff. If you aint talking about gossip, sex or both, they aint trying to hear it.
For instance, twice a year ATL hosts Black Pride events(MLK Weekend). During Black Pride we have the SOBGA summit and during MLK we have the march and Bayard-Rustin breakfast.
The kids flood the clubs and sex parties but you can count how many of them will show up to the events. It’s sad. And what’s worst is that you the older men still coming down doing the SAME shit the kids are doing so they aren’t learning..
I just thought of something, it’s very rare that you see a real masculine wolf doing porn? Most masculine men in this lifestyle are downlow and discreet. If I’m discreet, why in the hell would I want cameras recording me fucking a nigga? The porn industry has to hire anybody who is ready and willing to have sex on camera and tell them to play a certain role because the real thugs and masculine men won’t. It makes sense if you think about it. I watch the porn videos and I see niggas with lower back tats and tounge rings and I’m like wtf?, that’s not masculine. If times would get hard, I’ll be the dope boy on the corner before I do any kind of porn.
Great advice! thank you boo!
I try not to let the cunty feminine behavior bother me anymore because its not going to change. What I hate is that when I read my history books, it seems that Gay people, Black people, and any one in an oppressive environment stuck together and supported each other. I cant say just gay dudes because I see it in the str8 community as well, its just a bunch of B.S. and hate toward one another. It seems though black gays take it to the extreme for being messy and childish, but this stems from a bigger problem in society in general. Everybody wants to be the “Bad Girl” because she gets all the attention and fame. Its obvious that the younger black gay dudes have no male role models and look up to Beyonce,and a host of foul acting Reality Stars. Its sad that no one is happy for anybody else anymore. This video is so tired and typical, we would rather tear our brother down than talk to him in private and resolve the issue instead of putting it on youtube. There is so much going on in the world but if Beyonce or Rihanna aint talking about it, it means nothing to these young dudes. Its sad that these porn dudes are going to end up broke and sick and on govt. assistance and these studios making all this money, will not provide any type of medical or financial assistance. Hell these dumb asses get no 401K, no investment advice, no long term medical insurance, or royalties, off of putting their bodies in such great jeopardy.
I enjoy being a man, doing manly things, but I grew up with a man in the house. I struggle with alot of things regarding the gay lifestyle and “out there” behavior is one of those things, and its something in my psyche that will not let me broadcast my business or feel comfortable screaming “Im Gay” when I am in public. This over the top bitchiness and silly ass fashions disgust me at times when I go to gay settings.I am just about over even going to gay venues. It seems like a lot of gay dudes have problems with you if you are masculine and want to down you or tell everybody that you are a “big ole lady” or “queen” because you can blend in the str8 world.I will always carry myself like a man in public, and want apologize, you can wonder but you will get no confirmation.
My friends begged me to come out tonight and Im already dreading seeing a bunch of young punks who have no goals, no future, or even any viable conversation. I hate seeing so many cute boys who are so fem and bitchy, such a turn off.
^very real.
Little do they know,
Beyonce has a team of people telling her what to say and what to do.
She is a celeb with a machine behind her.
Beyonce is not a role model for me because I hate the way she speaks.
Her music is cool and her image,
When not over saturated is great,
But I like when someone can talk and she is not one of them.
Gays have no one.
They have themselves and even with that comes drama.
The day needs to come when my readers and even myself become the lusted because we know who we are and what we will tolerate…
… And these messy kids get with it and realize their faults.
That day will come.
The University Of Jamari Go Wolves! But seriously, there are VERY models that I respect. They don’t think about who’s dick they are going to hop on. They think about their future.
They put money away. They go hard in the paint and step the game up.
If you have done hundreds of movies, you SHOULD not be broke.
The problem these days is you get a grimey old queen with a lil change and a thought, who recruit these gutter home boys and post videos of them fucking all over xtube.
You tell the lil country bumpkin in a small town in Alabama that he is going to be a star…
They get hook on false promises and drugs.
They dont even test their models anymore half the time.
It’s a trip man. If I EVER get into porn. It’s being distribute from my OWN company!
I don’t know anything about his personal life, so I don’t know. It could have just been an off night for him. I was disappointed though because he used to be gorgeous.
Malo? I thought he was in school at one point. But I could be wrong.
How about
How about BOTH but you didn’t hear that from me. I live here in the ATL and these boys look BAD. The stories I could tell you but I promise myself I wouldn’t air these boys out unless they gave me a reason t0.. I met and chilled with Trapboyy and he is cool but honey some of his Black Rayne crew look like straight women behind close doors. I could smell the estrogen in the room.
I interview this one KNOWN pornstar and he is so strung out on white girl, it’s pathetic…he had a GOOD man catering to him (and dude didn’t even know he was a ‘pornstar’) . He chilled with us once and we went to the store, and this dude flirted with EVERY man who walk our way. I was SO embarassed!
I will say that ALL of the ‘houses’ you see the boys in, is NOT theirs. It’s all smoke and mirrors folks…
^that is so sad.
They need serious guidance.
They need accountants, managers, public relations people, and SERIOUS media training.
Plus, they need role models.
Look if you choose to do porn, do it.
But once your ass gets worn out, what is next?
You could open up a studio and make money being your own director.
They are not thinking about this.
And that right there is sad.
that porn can pay for your college and help you move onto something serious in real life.
There are companies who will SCRUB the internet and erase your whole porn past.
It costs big money but if you are determined to make the money work for you,
you will do it.
They need to come over to Jamari’s World and let me school em.
And I don’t know how ya’ll feel but I feel like once I bust a nut off you a couple of times, I am DONE with you. I am no longer attracted to you. And it’s sad because REAL men is not going to take someone like these boys seriously. So what you got 4,000 followers. I wonder how many of them are going to be there on your way down.. why have 4,000 when you can have 4 million…but you the shit right? PLEASE!
And Malo is one arrogant lil queen in real life. I am not trying to bash him but that is who he is. I can’t stand that type of person PERIOD. It makes you look SO ugly. He better careful of who’s hand he steps on because he is going to see the SAME people on the way down!
^don’t people believe in karma?
Secretly, I think this video was to show these people as sabotage rather than “look we are random talking about someone the audience doesn’t know about…”
It is very messy.
And it wasn’t funny. I mean you SO grand but you drunk and ranting about somebody else. I used to love to bust to Malo but now he makes my dick soft.
He is boring and lame and this video shows his true colors and I believe it!
^Malo needs to find him a Baller Wolf… and get with it.
He isn’t doing porn so unless he is escorting,
how is he making money?
I HOPE he is smart enough to be fucking winners and not losers.
But, that video showed him in a light that I don’t think I ever want to see again.
i Concur…
I am back to defend what I meant by ‘living your truth’. I mean if you are going to live this one life, you should live it truthfully. If you are a catty lil bitch, then be the best one out there. People probably won’t like you but be YOU. It’s not a load of shit. Being ‘FAKE’ is a load of shit.
(I always say send your hate mail to @theluckeystar btw)
LOVE me some Malo!
Lmao, my bad.
Just a lot of pornstars (and I guess people in general) are put on pedestals they don’t really deserve to be on. I’ve seen Cornbread in person too.
When I first saw him initially, he looked great. Dressed in normal “boy” attire, was really quiet. This was back when he was first really getting into porn.
Recently saw him a few months ago and he looked bad. Really bad.
^Star Fox said he saw Cornbread at an event like 2 years ago and he looked sexy as hell.
Cornbread was low key trying to get at him.
You think he is broke or on drugs now?
That’s the thing. Angyl is actually really attractive when he covers up and isn’t on film fucking. He comes across really personable and is surprisingly pretty manly.
Hotrod, on the other hand, is the complete opposite. He’s more skinny in person than on film and is a lady.
This pretty much sums them up.
I heard that too. That was a turn off.
^He was very nice and looked more approachable than Hot Rod.
And yup: that video was the death of Hot Rod. LOL
You are trying to make me lose my hard on all day Random.
^He was very nice and looked more approachable than Hot Rod.
And yup: that video was the death of Hot Rod. LOL
You are trying to make me lose my hard on all day Random.
Now, Dream. HE is worth talking about. His accent. His lips. Just drives me crazy.
Plus, he’s not stupid. Which is a bonus with pornstars.
^ I hear he is in jail though.
So he definitely fit up to his rough and rugged persona.
Well, he’s nothing to fawn over. I’ve seen him multiple times in person. He looks a lot bigger on camera than he really is.
And his ass is not fat.
It was such a disappointment.
And another one bites the dust.
Seriously why r you surprised Jamari you can look at him and just see the lady written all over him. He prob gone blame it on the alcohol though. It makes me wonder is sarge a lady as well???
I think Sarge is naturally masculine.
As gay men, there’s always something feminine about us.
And I’m sure when he’s with his friends, he dabbles in the lingo some gay men use.
But people I know have seen Sarge out and about and say he’s no different. Just a masculine hybrid.
^Sarge strikes me as who he is on camera.
I know someone who has been around Nubuis and Dream and they say the same thing about them.
^I attended the last Fashion Week and I saw Angyl Valentino and Hot Rod at a show.
Angyl was wearing a nice blazer with no shirt and a broach on it.
He looks really good in real life….
Hot Rod, on the other, looked so different than I expected.
He had on a hoody thing and had his lips pursed the whole time.
He was giving me, “hey hunty” and he was just standing still and admiring the show.
Similar to this:
And I lost my hard on AGAIN.
So even though I would probably still get hard watching him fuck,
I already know that the background story is another story.
Hope that answers your question omg!
I had absolutely no idea who they were talking about.
And that’s what’s really sad about this lifestyle.
There’s something psychologically wrong with someone who thinks it’s good that they’re “famous” for getting fucked on camera.
At the end of the day, dudes rub their dick off to you and keep it moving.
And it’s hardly because you’re sexy or even desirable.
It’s the fact that it’s sex, we’re men, and seeing a fat ass get bust open is a turn on.
Wouldn’t matter if it was Malo or some other porn star.
See I can brag too because I also have nice things.
That is not my motivation.
My motivation is be an inspiration and make sure I am living good.
I can take their followers EASY because I came from a struggle and is making moves in the business.
I have a story and I make sure I tell it and I make you listen… all while making you feel good and ask yourself questions to better you.
I have a good rep in the gay world writing on this site and most importantly,
I have a great rep in the straight world because I work hard and make good connections.
The issue is people are trying to live a reality show lifestyle.
So they think about the NOW rather than the LATER.
I want people to realize you can be cool NOW… and be nothing LATER if you do not make NOW work for you.
and it is sad that in our lifestyle, it is all about the NOW and we bash others for it.
They did not inspire me once in that video.
Who knows whose house they were in.
It is def all smokes and mirrors.
All truth.
It’s this love for instant fame and notoriety.
The problem is, it usually stems from some insecurity.
You have to ask yourself: Why is it so important to them to be considered famous by a society of men that, at the end of the day, have no desire to know them beyond what they can do in the bedroom.
Lets be honest. No one is going to lock Malo down. No one, aside from those delusional homos who think being with someone who’s known in porn gives them so kind of status, is interested in that. No one watches his scenes and think to themselves, “Damn, I’d really like to lay up and talk with that nigga.” No.
The most people want from him is to lay him down, spread those cheeks, and see what the hype is all about.
And it’s sad that he thinks that makes him important.
And not just him, but any “pornstar”.
^and that is my biggest issue with him.
He had potential but clearly, he got hooked on the hype.
Every video I have seen of him, he doesn’t really come off down to earth.
Like I said, he is very attractive but he is kinda boring.
I wanted to do an interview with him.
That would be good publicity for him and will let the audience see him in “another light”.
My vision for him would have put him out there as well as put my site out there.
I emailed him and he never followed up.
I chaulked it up as whatever.
Since I don’t chase anyone, that was over.
I hope I don’t come off as annoying but this thread is the tea and you are right about making NOW work for your future. You made me start shouting like I was the Mother B in the front pew of the church! Gay men don’t think of those things and it’s sad that nobody is teaching them that. I dont care WHO you think you are today, until you can retire and never work again and be blessed, you have NO room to brag.
This is why I respect bloggers like you, You guys inspire me in ways that you will NEVER know. Keep preaching the gossip!
^thank you Luckey!
You are doing well in your own right.
You just have to make sure that you always put your readers/viewers first.
Make sure everything you do is relate-able to your audience.
Always make sure that they come first and you inspire them to come back for the next entry.
I know who they are talking about too. He is a mess. Let’s just say he LOVES the Clark Sisters and love gettin pound to ‘Hallelujah’…LOL
^see that is really terrible.
so basically he is another story: the church ho Fox?
And not to hate on Malo but chile, you are NOT a porn star either. In ten years, if you are still on my computer and I am still jacking off to you THEN you can talk but until I have a seat reserved for you!
He is living in the “moment” and probably doesn’t have a 5 year goal plan.
If he is in school, cool but a job is going to look at his past and definitely not hire him.
Gay or not, they still hate US as blacks.
So, they will make sure that if you even have a slightest glitch in your reputation, they will not hire you.
Today to him, this is all good.
In 5 years, what is really good?
I cringed when (gay) people say shit like we get gay bashed because of FEMS. I get the fact that not all gay men ‘queen’ out whether it’s in public or not, but people gay bash because they don’t like gay people PERIOD. It has nothing to do with your masculinity. I get that gay black men want to have something to hold on just so they can impress society but being yourself and living your truth is what matters!
I get that we don’t need the cattiness and such but some men are just natural FEM and they can’t help that. If you don’t like him, don’t date em.
A REAL MAN IS NOT BOTHERED BY WHAT THE NEXT MAN IS DOING! I hate that whole bottom/top role playing shit too. Why can’t two men just be together and live life? As long as I have a dick and two balls, I am a MAN not a woman. I don’t have a ‘bussy’ and I don’t want one. The only role I want you to play is my man and your duty is to love me hard and fuck me good in that order!
But back to the subject, 98.7% of the boys you see in porn are playing the role, they don’t really act like that in real life, although some of them DO live in the ghettos, inspite the fact they make ‘SO MUCH MONEY’!
I am not surprise and I find it hilarious. All HATE mail can be forward to @theluckeystar
^I see your point, but here is my point.
They should get bashed because they should get it together.
Their whole conversation in that video was corny.
They were talking about someone who as you said, “A REAL MAN IS NOT BOTHERED BY WHAT THE NEXT MAN IS DOING”.
No one is saying you cannot be feminine, but they were over the top.
Plus, they are playing this “man” in movies so it leaves the question, “why are you not acting your regular self and trying to be something you are not?”
One of Malo’s stans came on here defending him during that whole situation in the past,
and he was so sure that Malo doesn’t even go to gay pride events or deep in the lifestyle.
Before I saw Malo in action, I only knew of him as this good looking porno star who may be different, but I see him as one of the same as everyone else and that is okay.
That is just who he is and what he is around.
Arquez… I was pretty much shocked.
Maybe that was my naive-ness LMAO!
I look at them the same way I look at ghetto people.
They are a reflection of the society, even if they ARE others who are not like them.
You live in ATL so this maybe normal and UN-surprising to you.
I’m not around that so it was a wake up call and a smh for me.
And no hate mail.
I don’t encourage that around these parts.
We are men and we will discuss like men.
Thank for the comment.
I partly agree with your point that people gay bash, not because of the femininity displayed by feminine men, but because of their hate for homosexuality. But people gay bash also because they’re uncomfortable with the “extra-ness” that some gay men tend to bring with them. I have friends (both gay and straight) who (obviously) have no problem with homosexuality. What they do have a problem with is the excess that goes along with being a “cunt”. Is that the fault of the feminine man? No. But you can’t be purposely extra and demand that people not only accept, but embrace you.
It’s no different from a female who is constantly talking about other people, being messy, and excessively catty or the male who is hypermasculine, always wanting to fight, and thinks he’s God’s gift to the world. No one wants to be around that. It’s not the lifestyle, it’s those traits.
That said, I think it’s complete bullshit to suggest that men who are catty and extremely feminine are “living their truth”. I think that’s an excuse gay men use to be excessive. I don’t even know women who are as catty and over-the-top as some of the feminine gay men I know.
Bullshit!!! Exactly! I was on the train once whilst a group of pre-teens/teenagers were talking extremely loud and vulgar about their sex life and other non-public activities. It was an EMBARRASSMENT, especially being the only other person of dark hue on the train. And watching the looks and expressions on people of other cultures faces, I felt the need to hide and disassociate myself from them (despite not being apart of their group). That’s the same way with fems. It’s not about “your truth” (What a load of B.S.). It’s about decorum and manners instead of the extra unnecessary shit and exaggerated gestures. Just like people don’t want to see, be around, or associate with the like that were on the train, so too in the case of the fems in that video. Ain’t that much sugar (biologically) in anyone’s tank. It’s a learned behavior (the extra shit) and needs to be unlearned, STAT!
I mean, I could have told you they were all ladies.
At the same time, you really can’t blame them. The “lifestyle” of it all kind of encourages you to be that way. Unless you come into this shit just set on who you are and what you will and will not do (such as myself) or have someone who mentors you and keeps you focused and away from that type of shit, it’s kind of hard to avoid it. The lifestyle itself encourages messiness, femininity, and over-the-top behavior.
Not to mention they do porn. I mean, I love porn as much as the next guy, but it’s not like I expect a whole helluva lot from them. The industry is built on smoke and mirrors.
It does raise an interesting concept though.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been told I was too masculine to be a hybrid.
The last relationship I was in, the guy (a top) said I was too much of a man. I threatened his masculinity. I wasn’t submissive enough. In his head, he was the man and despite me having a dick, in his eyes that made me the “woman” by default.
Needless to say, the relationship didn’t last.
In a lot of ways, this puts us hybrids and foxes in an awkward position.
I’m a really masculine guy just by nature. I grew up playing sports, being rough, and being dominant in my household.
So it’s hard coming into a community where:
The wolfs expect you to be more fem because they’re insecure about their own manliness.
The foxes expect you to be this over-the-top, hypermasculine man because they want to be treated like women.
And the hybrids want the same thing as the foxes because most of them are really just foxes in nicer fitteds.
It’s so complicated.
^this is an excellent comment Random.
A lot of Wolves look me over because I am not the standard Fox.
And then it leaves me wondering would they want me if I was running our acting like Malo or Arquez?
It’s all about the battles of the extremes.
… and then they are going off on someone because they do not have Twitter followers?
You do porn… and are pretty much replaceable when the next “big thing” comes along.
Exactly. Same issue I deal with.
But then you notice those who are extremes seem to attract what it is they’re looking for.
It’ll really make you think that maybe you’re doing something wrong.
^and for a very long time,
it made me insecure and jealous because I thought something was wrong with me.
They tell you to NOT be feminine, fat, and ugly.
So I am not that and I think I am in the clear…
but then you are passed to the side for a fem or a tranny.
Then you feel bad because you are not feminine enough…
…but then you are masculine enough.
It leaves to drama.
I know of Baller Wolves who are wifing up FEMS and trannies… WHO ARE MESSY AND WHO WILL OUT THEM.
It is confusing LOL
Oooh!! Them kind there!! They be killing me!! So damn embarrassing and extra, they the reason peoe hate us, and be doing gay bashings!! This all brings me back to when I saw Sexcyone, of whom I was willing to trade in my life for, get fucked by a tranny.. Im no longer attracted *buh bye*
^oh no,
A tranny?
That is a bad hit.
I always wonder why can’t a porno star come out and just be masculine, be a Wolf, and just go from there.
Ace Rockwood is the only one at this point and he is kinda lazy in his pipe style.
I wonder if he gets “guhl” too?
It’s a shame because Arquez is handsome dude, another one bites the dust, oh well fuck it.