X Marks The F0x: Atlanta Falcon Player Gay?

Jacked from another blog.
Long, but it plays out like an E Lynn Harris novel.

Top meets bottom.
Top fucks bottom.
Top fucks over bottom.
Bottom gets revenge on top.
Bottom tells entire world about top.

Top is scared.

I dunno who it is or if it is even true.
I do not believe in outing.
So if YOU know,
because WE always know,
send an email to jamari.fox@gmail.com….


This relationship goes back to late 2001. He was a junior football
> player in college in _____. It did not begin as a sexual relationship,
> we actually started as very good friends. He always told me about
> his girlfriends, and would often seek relationship advice. Advice
> came in the form of IM/email and telephone conversations to sending
> money to pay for his dates (i.e. flowers, dinner, hotel rooms,
> etc). In addition I would send him money because, according to him,
> his parents didn’t support him financially, or emotionally as I
> later found out in our relationship. Things didn’t become serious or
> sexual until February 2002. He called 3 days after Valentine’s Day
> to tell me his girlfriend broke up with him. He was devastated and
> heartbroken, and requested I meet him at our mutual location in
> ____________ since it was an equal travel distance for both of us.
> We met in ___________ and things were normal as usual; we hung out,
> grabbed drinks, and talked about his ex-girflriend situation. When I
> got back to my hotel room, we just chilled, drank, and talked about
> his ex-girlfriend some more. This time, it was different. He asked
> me to give him a massage, I didn’t ask to do it, and was actually a
> little uncomfortable that he asked because I made it a point to not
> make him feel uncomfortable by being around me. I was and have
> always been a private person, even though we weren’t together like
> that at the time. I knew he was a football player, and being
> platonic friends with a gay man at that time, hell, even now, can
> ruin careers for whatever reason. I didn’t want people to make any
> assumptions of him based on his friendship with me. Up until this
> point, we were NOT lovers. However, this night, a massage, led to
> him taking his shirt off (not at my request), then to more intimate
> affection. It was this night that we first became sexually involved.
> It was very sexual, not just oral. The next day, I woke up on one
> bed and he on the other. I pretended to not know what happened, and
> he replied “you know what happened” as if it wasn’t a big deal. I
> was his first male experience, and that’s where our sexual
> relationship started.
> Even after this encounter, our relationship was never strictly
> sexual. We had a quintessential relationship. He told me he loved
> me (something HE started), and we spoke and saw each other
> regularly. We both recognized that our relationship could not be
> known b/c of the obvious stigma, and he was in college, a young
> black male, etc. I am an openly gay man, and never denied my
> sexuality around him, in public or private. By nature I am a private
> and nurturing person, and my concern was protecting him. He often
> vented his frustrations about the situation, but more than anything,
> he felt it wasn’t anybody’s business who he was with.
> During our relationship, he had no ambition of becoming a
> professional athlete because he didn’t think he was good enough.
> Like most college students, he was also constantly broke. Only
> unlike most college students, his parents rarely sent him anything.
> I sent him money ALL the time. I sent him money more than anyone,
> accumulating thousands of dollars over a 2-year period. It wasn’t
> until he was named fullback of the year that his status as a
> potential NFL candidate was elevated. He obtained an agent, and
> began attending combines. After confirming that a multi-million
> dollar deal was in the works, he pretty much told me we would have
> to distance ourselves from each other, but that he would take care
> of me as an appreciation for all I had done for him, financially and
> emotionally. It hurt, naturally, but I understood. Even after
> knowing about his deal, I still sent him money. I sent him $600 a
> week before he signed his first contract. Shortly thereafter, our
> communication all but ceased.
> I would still send him occasional text/emails or call, with no
> reply. If he didn’t want me to contact him, he would have changed
> his number, but he never did. On or around Thanksgiving 2005, I sent
> him a text wishing him Happy Thanksgiving, and he replied. After 1
> 1/2 years, he replied with a half-ass response, basically saying
> thank you for everything you have done and God will bless you. Was
> he trying to tell me he no longer wanted me, or my lifestyle?
> Whatever it was, it pissed me off and in 2006 when I decided to move
> from NC to NJ, I used all of the frustration I had to contact him
> one last time. Knowing I basically took care of this man during his
> college career, and now he is making millions of dollars every year,
> and can only thank me with a text saying God Bless you as if he
> doesn’t know me? No thanks, I text him that we needed to talk and he
> replied it would have to wait until the season was over.
> After the season was over, I told him that I needed help moving and
> he traveled to NC to give me money. It was at this time that we
> began to reconnect emotionally and sexually. He would visit me in NJ
> and on one particular visit in 2006, he told me, in a Newark, NJ
> hotel, that he wanted a relationship with me, a monogamous
> relationship. At this time he did not have a girlfriend, and
> promised he was not seeing anyone else. No matter what he said, I
> always had my suspicions he was seeing women while in a relationship
> with me. Still, like any significant other of a professional
> athlete, I was invited to his games, he would send me money to rent
> cars and drive to his games, reserve a hotel room, and leave tickets
> for me at will-call. I’ve been to his home before. Our privacy was
> more important to me, not him. When we argued, which was alot, it
> was always about his frustrations about my choice to not be
> affectionate or, pretty much myself, around him in public. I always
> explained to him the consequences, no matter how ignorant it was for
> anyone to judge his ability as an athlete based on his sexual
> preference for women or men, or both.
> We had a relationship that worked for us, then everything changed in
> the mid to late 2000s. It was at this time, that he started acting weird. Our
> conversations just didn’t seem the same, and he was trying to
> distance himself again. Please keep in mind, we had a relationship,
> everything I knew about him, I knew from him. However, this time was
> different. One day he called to tell me he had really big news and
> said it would be worth my while. His exact words. I didn’t like the
> sound of it, and just felt like something wasn’t right. Trusting him
> as the man I loved, I allowed him to send me money to travel down to
> see him. He wanted to meet at his house, but I didn’t feel right, so
> I demanded we meet in a public place. I pulled up, saw him at a
> table and sat down. He literally looked at me, got up, without
> saying a word, and a man in a suit sat down and slid an envelope to
> me. In a nutshell, this bastard set me up! The man that sat down was
> his lawyer. He basically told me that I should take what’s in the
> envelope and not contact him again. The best part is that this wanna-
> be lawyer said they were keeping the “NFL police” at bay from me.
> What the hell? NFL police? At bay? From me? I was fuming. After all
> I had done for this man, all of the years we spent together,
> emothionally AND sexually, and he is going to try and get rid of me
> as if I am some secret he needs to brush under the rug, some fling
> he had, someone worth only a dollar value to him? I did not make a
> scene, though in hindsight I should have. I never opened the
> envelope, which I am sure enclosed a check for an undisclosed
> amount. I never looked at it. Never wanted to. I walked out and saw
> my former lover get out of his white mercedes benz, shook as hell.
> He knew I didn’t take the money and he just kept saying, what
> happened, what happened. Sad man. I didn’t say a word, I just
> looked at him, the look that says “How dare you? You WILL hear from
> me again. Just not now.”
> It wasn’t until I got back home, got my thoughts together and tried
> to figure out why he would be so cruel to me and publicly degrade
> me. Oh, the beauty of the internet. Jackass. He just signed a deal
> with the Atlanta Falcons, totaling over $20 million dollars. That is
> why he tried to write me off. Because of money. I was beyond hurt
> and angry. If it was ever about money with me, I would have made
> that clear, or at least try to contact him again to settle a
> monetary deal to shut me up. But how can it be about money when I
> took care of and loved this man. I am the reason he even had the
> confidence to believe he could be a professional athlete. He dare
> not deny it. No one believed in him, that’s what he told me. Those
> were the type of conversations we had. And our relationship came
> down to a check?
> Shortly after this incident I became very stressed and hospitalized
> for 2 weeks for high blood pressure and heart failure at 33. I still
> to this day know all that came along because of what he put me
> through and how he completly disrepected our bond. Laying in that
> hospital bed made me see things about him I never thought could be.
> How could someone I loved, and loved me, so much lie to me and set
> me up? Then I knew the old wise tale was true, money is truly the
> root to all evil!
> The reason I have decided to come out with this story is because I
> have given him more than enough time to right this wrong. To not
> treat me like a skeleton in his closet, but to speak to me, man to
> man about the situation, and why he turned our relationship into a
> would-be scandal. I am the one who told him my being his lover could
> ruin his career, and I kept our relationship between us because he
> was right, it wasn’t anyone’s business. He is the one doing this to
> his life, not me. He is the one living the extravagent life in
> Atlanta, posing in magazines as one of the most eligible bachelors,
> dating countless women, who can confirm as I know, he has hate
> issues with women. I’m sure any woman he has been with up until this
> point has only been with him for his money, but he doesn’t care
> because it looks “normal.” He promised he would take care of me, but
> only when he was a low-profile athlete. The minute he turned high-
> profile, he let the wrong people get in his ear, people whom he pay
> to protect his image, yet they made the mistake of ruining him by
> trying to hush me with money.
> To this day, I have no idea what was in that envelope, but there is
> no amount of money that will heal a scorned heart. And now he needs
> to man up, if he can even call himself that, and stop living a lie.
> I know I was his first male sexual experience, and I believe I am
> the only man he has been with, but he is a known liar, so I can’t
> say I fully believe that myself. The fact remains that we did have a
> sexual relationship. I’m not here to call him, gay, straight, or bi.
> He’s grown and can defend himself, or hire a lawyer to do it for
> him. I don’t have the money or the luxury to do so. I’m here to
> confirm that no one is above being responsible for their actions. No
> amount of money, or publicist, can clean your image up enough so
> that the person you truly are will never see the light of day. My
> story is no secret. For every story written like mine, there are
> thousands unwritten that would read the same, only those took the
> envelope and walked away to let these men continue to live lies. I’m
> not going to be that person anymore. I have a life I need to live
> also, and the only way to bring closure to this situation is to get
> it off my chest. As I stated, I gave him over 2 years to right this
> wrong. He left me no choice, I have to do it my way.

We can discuss in comments!

UPDATE: Something isn’t right about it tho.
Why would a D/L NFL football player take pics in a hotel room like that?
(I saw who the alleged football player is)
I also have tickets, movie stubs, and etc etc from going out with STRAIGHT dudes
and it doesn’t mean we were fucking.
The “proof” isn’t adding up.

This sounds like the act of a scorned WOMAN.

What do you think?

11 thoughts on “X Marks The F0x: Atlanta Falcon Player Gay?

  1. the dates in the 2000 do not match with the Falcons and money first… with first hand knowledge of several gay falcons players not out of the closet this scenrio is unrealistic

    now if it was the late 90’s during the super bowl run he is talking about ……. (let me know if you want to know) or ……. who got married /kids to stop the talk but now is in NEw York working with the JETS and seen in the clubs

  2. Well, in any event, this sounds extremely messy, and I like that. It probably won’t evolve into anything, but I’m pulling up a chair like ol’ dude in the .gif

  3. This story doesn’t add up…

    1) Dude said he tricked his money to the football player while he was in college, but in the end he said he was broke.
    2) They argued about dude not being affectionate in public? *serious face*
    3) They weren’t talking for awhile…then he sends money for dude to move.

    OH WELL…..

    1. The story sounds fraudulent as hell.

      “2) They argued about dude not being affectionate in public? *serious face*”

      That right there made it sound stupid.

      “3) They weren’t talking for awhile…then he sends money for dude to move.”

      I’m convinced he is an idiot.

  4. BITTER!!! First and foremost, if this is real, this bytch is crazy! “If he didn’t want me to contact him, he would have changed his number, but he never did.” WHAT SORT OF LOGIC IS THAT????? Was he the only one who had his number? Was he the only contact in his phone?? Psycho. He goes without talking to him for a year and a half… and then sends a text to a guy who DID NOT WANT HIM ANYMORE expecting some friendly response. After all of the unreturned calls, texts, and emails he deicided to hit him up.. one. last. time. Please! Then he told him they needed to talk… and waited an entire football season for this man (like that’s something a sane person would do). Then he asks this man, who was not even trying to talk to him… to help him move? WHAT?!?! THEN as this man is traveling from back and forth from Atlanta to New Jersey to see him… he decides to get back together with him. The same man who previously left him high and dry? This shyt ain’t adding up. They would argue about him not being affectionate IN PUBLIC.. and then in the end he tried to give him hush money about their relationship?

    I don’t understand how someone would subject themselves to this kind of situation. He tried to make it sound as though it wasn’t about the money when clearly it was because he sites how he supported him back when he was broke. What’s sad to be is this ideas that outing this man is some sort of revenge. Sweetie, he had you and dropped you, then had you again, and then dropped you once more. In the end, you look ridiculous (with health issues cause by everything YOU ALLOWED this man to put YOU through) and he’s still a millionaire who can have his share of whatever he likes.

    Note to self: “Don’t mess with broke niggas” lol =p

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