a foxholer sent me a very inspiring video tonight.
it was from a wolf,
in the gym,
spitting facts about mental health and negative thinking.
well i think that’s what he was saying.
the only issue i’m having with this video…
Video Player
…i had to watch it again because i was looking at:
…the first time.
i didn’t even hear a word he said.
his tail stole the show.
i’d like to hear more from this wolf…
…and see more as well.
this is jamari you are fontin’ with.
Mouth instantly waters….like Wendy Williams…smh
He always does that shit lol
He’s gay and his Instagram is noimnotacelebrity
He spoke nothing but truth I have nothing but negative thoughts about myself all the time and I’m starting to see that its really affecting my outlook on life. I can think so positive for others in my life but when it comes to myself it is doesn’t seem to happen.
P.S. he’s a mad cutie (Watch he be straight tho
…I think it was the compression shorts color not the actual cake.
He cute tho.
He knew what he was doing. You could’ve centered your face in the camera. Lol
^welp lets get the foxhole on the trail to see whats under those orange gym pants.
he clearly wanted our attention and now he has got it!
That’s all IG is now, the ass and dick print show! And you see more guys doing it than the women, but if you point it out they get mad as fuck at you! LOL
The other day a guy had a posting that said if I get any DM’s for a guy I’m blocking them.
So I made a comment that if you didn’t post thirsty ass pics with your dick print and ass showing perhaps they wouldn’t send you comments…but at least they’re courteous enough to do it privately. He said fuck you and blocked me…as if I was going to follow or write him again. LOL
Right^… This brings me back to that post a few months back about gays sending dick pics to the straights. We simply said these guys know what they’re doing when they post these thirsty ass half naked pics on the gram. They’re asking for attention.
And then there were folks in here who had the nerve to call what we said “victim blaming” LMAO!!! Some even tried to compare it to women who get raped for wearing revealing clothing.. The reach was so real.
These guys want attention so badly & then cry when it’s not the exact attention they want. Be happy that it’s not coming from a bad place and keep it moving with your thirsty asses
Cakes and those Canines!
^i didn’t even see his face the first time i watched that video…
Lol he knew what he was doing…