many people have suggested i move to cali.
i’m not ready for the west coast yet.
i haven’t even visited so i don’t know if i’ll even like it.
Not only that,
I heard black males over there don’t like anything that isn’t exotical black,
or other.
someone i’m familiar with moved to cali from new yawk.
they were complaining about feeling alone since getting out there.
this is what they fonted…
leaving your home forest to make it somewhere else can be a challenge.
you have to adjust to a new culture and people.
other places look great when you are on vacation.
that’s the point because you are on vacation.
it’s like being a guest in someone’s home.
once the honeymoon phase settles,
you actually see what it’s like to live there.
sometimes it works; other times it doesn’t.
ย the biggest takeaway is being in the crowd and feeling lonely.
we see so many people living these exciting lives:
…but are they truly happy?
i used to be around a lot of people too.
my location was in the middle of mixxy town at one point.
i know when i was in circles with people who truly didn’t know me,
or only wanted something from me,
i felt very lonely.
when they left my life once i had nothing to offer,
it confirmed my suspicions.
we don’t talk or font about loneliness enough.
celebrities admit to feeling lonely all the time.
it doesn’t even have to be with friends or family either:
Imagine finally getting into a relationship and once the honeymoon phase wears off,
you feel lonely af there too.
having it all,
getting in the manz,
or being the “popular one” doesn’t mean you will be happy.
that brings out the worst in us.
lowkey: i don’t feel lonely anymore.
i feel fomo at times but not loneliness.
It’s beautiful. But ev1 knows about the rep of ppl being plastic there. But, there are also regular ppl who have 0 interest in Hollywood.
I heard it’s MAD expensive there. Like more than it is in other States. I also heard about the shallowness.
If you have a problem attracting Black men, just get with a Mexican or a White man who takes you rollerblading near the beach.
^ LOL @ roller blading.