where is that beyonce gif when i need it!
the game has a new album called…
he is doing this whole religious thing.
he didn’t think the whole internet would be talking about this shit right here…
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3WmkXIae_g]
i guess all in theme with his new album?
lowkey: has his reality show changed your mind on him?
get the pipe and send him on his way.
that’s what i’m thinking.
this guy reminds me of those alt-techno hippie gay boys…just one with more money than most
once upon a time I honestly fell for the illusion that game was ACTUALLY gangster, then he did a rap with Odd future tyler and came on Top Model then I realized he was ACTUALLY another awkward weirdo like Lil Wayne
It hasn’t changed my opinion of him. He’s exactly who I thought he was.
I already knew he was about his kids and being a good provider.
I also know that he’s childish and has a hard time growing up.
^i rock with that last sentence heavy.
i wonder how hes gonna do with this new change……..him and snoop lion.
I didn’t like that very much.
S/N: Who is that dude sitting at that table with him. I think he’s cute.
Thats his gorgeous manager. He is also on the game show. When I first saw him my jaw dropped Lol.
^what’s his name?
ill add him to the basket too.
That’s exactly what I was thinking, Man…lol
His name is Dontay Kidd. He’s the Game best friend and manager now.
Yea, but I just found out he’s married.
Now I keep my dick from married men’s butts, but If he offers it to me I just might have to take him down. He got a cute face, a fat ass, and he’s short too. I got a thing for short men with nice bodies. He’s fun sized lol.
^fat ass?
how did you see that?!
I looked him up. I saw some photos of his wedding and I peeped some cheeks. He looks good.
I would eat this man alive.
That scenery behind him gave me a thought. Could you imagine having sex with him while out on a yacht in the middle of the ocean? *sigh* He’s gorgeous.
LOL at fun size..yeah i agree.
hes not your average muscle dude or pretty boy. He’s the normal handsome guy. His bride is beautiful btw. Why would he have a website of just his wedding? hes not that known.
Just call it a high tide. lol
^damn he is fine.
That would be the highest tide ever. I’d lay him on his back and he can wrap his legs around me and it would be over.
@Swaggonauto, some people do it so that people who were not invited, can still get to “experience” the wedding.
@Man, When its over, he can put his ring back on.
im gonna need that bitch to move aside till im done with that man
The Game is one of my hoe crush (fuck him and send him on his way) but he can be such an asshole and he knows it.
Did you see this pic..
thicker than a bible
need if for survival
Laaaaaawd save me
popping bandz for my baby