andre marhold is a cock tease

i’m one fox who doesn’t like all the yip yappin’.
don’t get me wrong,
i like to be teased,
but i want to get that action.
andre marhold has been teasin’ up about his penis since the breakup with jeffree star.
a foxholer sent me what he posted this on his ig and it made me roll my eyes…

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kanye west stars in “the angry and rebellious slave”

i still can’t believe i use to stan heavy for kanye west.
lawd ham mercy.
what a disappointment he turned out to be.
kanye lost the rest of his marbles today.
he was on another level of buggin’.
i un-followed him a long time ago,
but someone kept liking this nonsense so it popped up on my twitter tl.
this fool is gonna piss on an award he earned…

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did we all hit an emotional wall at the same time? (gadzooks!)

this week,
i hit a wall emotionally.
it started last week and carried on to this week.

Is my wolf of interest still interested?
Friends suddenly acting shady
Chadwicks’ sudden death
Black lives not mattering to police
The RNC not giving hope

Feeling alone

i’ve been trying to find answers to things and it has left me baffled.
i’m a natural investigator so i want to know shit.
i need answers or closure.
i have been feeling sad and down in the dumps tbh.
the crazy part?…

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do not suck on my nipples please and thank you.

that is for my future wolf.
so there was this wolf i messed with once or twice and he would always suck,
and pinch on my nipples.


that does not turn me on in the least.
in fact,
i hate how it feels.
i share the same sentiments as porn hybrid,
kash dinero
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the last week of august sucked.

it felt like i got hit with a mack truck,
but emotionally,
for this last week of august.

it felt like i got hit at full force,
pushed off the guard rail,
rolled down a hill,
landed in a lake,
and was swept downstream towards a waterfall.
all of this in a mini cooper.
things were going well

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oh hi, we’re back in hell again. (take your seats because the show has begun)

here we go again.
this out of control merry go round called “america” has dropped us off at hell.
i thought we were in a quiet-ish kind of place,
but it seems that was the calm before the storm.
there is a legit category 4 hurricane headed towards nola and texas.
everyone is in my prayers down there.
today i feel emotionally drained

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